Time in my life I was down so low, a mosquito wouldn't even bite me
I lost my job, my 4 wheel drive, I even got throwed out of my trailer
All because of one thing: freebasing cocaine
That's all my life was, was basing, nothing else
I was on that last lap, with that checker flag
About to wave me on into hell
But I got lucky
I got into rehab program down der in Redstone Arsenal down
Der in Alabama and with dem people helpin' me
Well that smoking white devil is no longer a part of my life
I can proudly say, that white devil is no longer a part of my
Life and I can proudly say, that today, I do not freebase cocaine
Now I'll take a drink, now
I will take a drink but I do not freebase cocaine
You know, well, I take a drink and I might even smoke a little reefer
You know, you know I like to smoke reefer
You know, it relaxes me and everything
A couple doobies, you know, just ta get you through the day and everything
But, far as basin goes, I don't do it
Now I'll do some toot now. Don't get me wrong
I will do some toot you know. You know if you're partying and everything
And somebody comes up and gives it to you
Its impolite not to take it there
So me and my girlfriend, Sally, we, you know, we party man I tell you
We do party. You know, I will do some toot
We'll do, you know
On a good weekend there we call a bunch of friend over
We'll do bout an eight ball of toot there but we don't base
I do not freebase cocaine. I want to make that clear. I don't do it
I lost my job, my 4 wheel drive, I even got throwed out of my trailer
All because of one thing: freebasing cocaine
That's all my life was, was basing, nothing else
I was on that last lap, with that checker flag
About to wave me on into hell
But I got lucky
I got into rehab program down der in Redstone Arsenal down
Der in Alabama and with dem people helpin' me
Well that smoking white devil is no longer a part of my life
I can proudly say, that white devil is no longer a part of my
Life and I can proudly say, that today, I do not freebase cocaine
Now I'll take a drink, now
I will take a drink but I do not freebase cocaine
You know, well, I take a drink and I might even smoke a little reefer
You know, you know I like to smoke reefer
You know, it relaxes me and everything
A couple doobies, you know, just ta get you through the day and everything
But, far as basin goes, I don't do it
Now I'll do some toot now. Don't get me wrong
I will do some toot you know. You know if you're partying and everything
And somebody comes up and gives it to you
Its impolite not to take it there
So me and my girlfriend, Sally, we, you know, we party man I tell you
We do party. You know, I will do some toot
We'll do, you know
On a good weekend there we call a bunch of friend over
We'll do bout an eight ball of toot there but we don't base
I do not freebase cocaine. I want to make that clear. I don't do it
- FreeBase (2014)