Released: December 28, 2018

聰明傻瓜 全為你呀

凡事 不怕 聰明瀟灑
你的心事 我都能猜懂啊

急智風趣 化解尷尬
不曾 想過 會被你打垮啊

遇上你 換誰都 難以招架

我情願當個愛情裡的 聰明傻瓜
讓你掌控不逃出你的 甜蜜魔爪
溫柔就是你 天生的魔法
每一個舉動都能讓我 心亂如麻
我就是個容易害臊的 聰明傻瓜
面對面對你說情話會 結結巴巴
天真就是你 迷人的優雅
只一個萌萌的眼神就 讓我瞬間 融化

生活存在 多重關卡
守在身邊 賣乖又賣傻呀

有了你 再困難 也能招架

我情願當個愛情裡的 聰明傻瓜
讓你掌控不逃出你的 甜蜜魔爪
溫柔就是你 天生的魔法
每一個舉動都能讓我 心亂如麻
我就是個容易害臊的 聰明傻瓜
面對面對你說情話會 結結巴巴
天真就是你 迷人的優雅
只一個萌萌的眼神就讓我瞬間 融化

世界很大 人海繁華
你才是 生命中最美的年華

我情願當你愛情裡的 聰明傻瓜
讓你依賴要一起走過 每個盛夏
溫柔就是你 天生的魔法
每一個舉動都能讓我 心亂如麻
雖然我是容易害臊的 聰明傻瓜 (聰明傻瓜)
百分百對你如此確定 沒有誤差 (一樣沒差)
天真就是你 迷人的優雅 (不說謊話)
只一個萌萌的眼神就 讓我瞬間融化 (沒有休假)

Aaron Yan (炎亞綸)

Aaron Yan (炎亞綸) was born as Keng Lin Wu on November 20, 1985 in Taipei, Taiwan, but moved to Conneticut in the U.S. with his family, where they lived for five years before returning to Taiwan.

Yan is a an actor, singer, lyricist and entrepreuner who gained fame in the boy band Fahrenheit (飛輪海) in 2005; he can also play instruments such as the flute, violin, piano and guitar. However, Yan was initially scouted in 2004 by management agency Comic Productions after posting pictures of himself on a public blog, and made his debut as an actor that year, in the drama I Love My Wife, as a guest role. Despite his debut in the industry, he was reluctant as being a celebrity was not something that had initially wanted to do.

Despite releasing music with his group, he would eventually make his own music, with the debut EP 下一個 (The Next Me), with the title track of the same name in 2011. Yan would also continue to star in dramas, and would even perform songs for the soundtracks for many. During this time, Yan was signed with Comic Productions and HIM International Music, however, he is currently with Sony Music Taiwan.