Released: July 7, 2016

" وليه "

مشتاق لك شوقي بحر رحمتك عودلي…
حن وتعطف واستقر بين الكِبر والتيه
خذ ماتبي يا معذبي بس لا اتصدد لي..
ارضيك تزعل .. ازعلك ترضى علي وليه

بين الحنايا موقعك واشواقي تشهد لي..
اجيك والمنه علي واقول لك لبيه
ياسيدي عفوك وانا مافيني يشفع لي..
تصيب تخطي عاذرك ماسألك كيف وليه

لمي توجه يا بعد كل من توجه لي..
عاتب عتاب احباب سو اللي تبي سويه
شرهتك عاللي في طواري الليل متسلي..
لاهو بقادر يملكك لا انت اللذي مخليه

مير الشره منك تراه اانجاز يُحسب لي..
كود اني متصدر على خافقك ومن يغليه
لوالتمني فادني لو كان يحصل لي..
امتيمك ما تركك والبعد ما ينويه

[Click Here for English Translation]


Ahlam is one of the best celebrities in the Middle she is a fashion icon in the region and one of the most followed people in the Arab world as well as the rest of the world. Her nick name is “Queen”, and she is passionate about her work, remaining inspired by her audience. Her name has been associated with famous festivals in gulf region and Middle East as a testament to her great achievements.

She has been singing for more than 20 years and she has more than 15 albums. Based on online statics, with over 6 million follows, Ahlam is number one in social media in middle east. “Arab Idol” is the Arabic version of the American Idol and for three seasons of the show #Ahlam has been a judge.

For more information about this amazing artist you can follow her on or