久しぶりに逢ったあなた 照れ隠しに髪を触った
よみがえってくる思い出が 溢れぬ様に大人ぶって
さり気ない返事装い あたしもよそ見をして
声を聞いて泣きそうになるけど 何故だか解らない
気付かないように 気付かれないように

このままだって充分じゃない 言い聞かせる手に爪の跡
勇気を出して笑って問いかけた 今の事 今の彼女
すごく好きだよと照れて髪を触る 昔のあなたを見た
気付かないように 気付かれないように
あの時胸に刺さる程味わった 消えない後悔
ちゃんと飲み込んで生きてきたはずよ 出逢って別れた分

気付かないように 気付かれないように…


AKB48 (short for Akihabara48), is a Japan idol girlgroup, produced by Yasushi Akimoto and signed to two label’s, You, Be Cool! and KING RECORDS.

AKB48 holds several Guinness World Records, including being recognized on December 1, 2010 as the “largest pop group” when it numbered 48 members. It set a record for “most number of same-product television endorsements within 24 hours” on February 28, 2012, after 90 group members appeared in 90 different commercials aired in the Kanto, Kansai and Tokai regions of Japan.

Yasushi Akimoto criated a idol girlgroup with own teather with the purpose to perfoming daily (unlike pop groups performing occasional concerts and seen on television). They located on the 8th floor of Don Quijote (Akihabara, Tokyo). AKB48 included 134 members on December, 2018, with the concept of “Idols you can meet”.