Released: February 5, 2018
Featuring: Jordan Peterson
Songwriter: A Narkiewicz & Jordan Peterson
Producer: Akira The Don
What you wanna do is, you want to enter into a conversation
So, that you come out
Than you went in
The best example of this is when you're having an argument with your
Intimate partner, let's say
Cause you gonna wanna win
So, then you got to think
Okay, well wait a second, we better sort out what winning means here
So, let's say that
You're more verbally fluent than your partner and more treacherous
So, you can win
That doesn’t mean you’re right
First of all
Winning when you're wrong is a really bad idea
Because then
You think you’re right
And you’re not
And then
Maybe the person can see things you can't but can't verbalize them quite as well
Well, you might want to listen
Just cause
There is possibility that they’re trying to tell you how to not run headlong into a brick wall
There is some possibility of that
And so maybe you even have to help them formulate
It's like ”Okay I don't get exactly what you're saying.”
”I don't get exactly why you're annoyed”
”I'm not sure exactly what you want me to do to change it.”
”Let's get this clear.”
And then I’m going to think about it
Like maybe you're right
Maybe you're right
I’m going to see, if possibly you’re right
I’m not going to roll over
Because I would rather you weren’t right
I’m not going to change
But I am going to listen
I would rather not
Headlong into a brick wall
If I don’t have to
So, that’s the idea with the conversation
So, that you come out
Than you went in
The best example of this is when you're having an argument with your
Intimate partner, let's say
Cause you gonna wanna win
So, then you got to think
Okay, well wait a second, we better sort out what winning means here
So, let's say that
You're more verbally fluent than your partner and more treacherous
So, you can win
That doesn’t mean you’re right
First of all
Winning when you're wrong is a really bad idea
Because then
You think you’re right
And you’re not
And then
Maybe the person can see things you can't but can't verbalize them quite as well
Well, you might want to listen
Just cause
There is possibility that they’re trying to tell you how to not run headlong into a brick wall
There is some possibility of that
And so maybe you even have to help them formulate
It's like ”Okay I don't get exactly what you're saying.”
”I don't get exactly why you're annoyed”
”I'm not sure exactly what you want me to do to change it.”
”Let's get this clear.”
And then I’m going to think about it
Like maybe you're right
Maybe you're right
I’m going to see, if possibly you’re right
I’m not going to roll over
Because I would rather you weren’t right
I’m not going to change
But I am going to listen
I would rather not
Headlong into a brick wall
If I don’t have to
So, that’s the idea with the conversation
more tracks from the album
12 Rules For Life
- Stand Up Straight With Your Shoulders Back
- Don’t Bother Children When They’re Skateboarding
- Be Precise In Your Speech
- Assume That The Person You’re Listening To Might Know Something You Don’t
- Tell The Truth or At Least Dont Lie
- Pursue What is Meaningful, Not What Is Expedient
- Set Your House in Perfect Order Before You Criticize The World
- Don’t Let Your Children Do Anything That Makes You Dislike Them
- Compare Yourself To Who You Were Yesterday, Not To Who Someone Else Is Today
- Make Friends With People Who Want The Best For You
- Treat Yourself Like Someone You Are Responsible For Helping
- Pet A Cat When You Encounter One
From the album
- 12 Rules For Life (2018)
Akira The Don popular songs
- Lemmings
- Interesting Times
- Living In The Future 2
- Living In The Future
- Living in the Future 2.5
- Oh (What A Glorious Thing)
- Back In The Day
- Thanks For All The Aids!
- Love
- Liverpool
- Clones
- Patrick
- Full Metal Alchemist (i Walter White)
- Too Sweet To Be Sour
- Be a Plumber
- Heaven and Hell Pt. 1
- The Mysterious
- Those Who Have Everything
- Agreeable and Conscientious
- Music is Everything
- What Would You Be, What Would You Do?
- Tarantulas
- Lunchbucket
- 42 Rules for Life