Released: August 10, 2018
Featuring: Alan Watts
Songwriter: A Narkiewicz & Alan Watts
Producer: Akira The Don
There's a myth
There is in the beginning the divine bird which lays the egg of the world
And the egg splits
Then the upper is the heaven
And the lower is the earth
So, when
The worlds are manifested
The Lord breathing out
Says “hung”
And when the worlds are withdrawn the breath comes back
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
But if you say hung-sa, hung-sah, hungsah-hung
It becomes sah-hung
A hung
That means
Sah means that
The truth
A hung, I am
I am that
When we get
To the final moment in which the world is blown up
Imagine the count down
This is the end
Somebody's pushed a button
Eight, seven, six, five, four three, two, one
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
What are you listening to?
Sound of the waves
And you can sit and listen to the little waves on the seashore
Now you'll get back here into this kind of thinking and you're hearing the ocean of the universe going
And that's your breathing too
It's all one rhythm
So, it may be that every star was once a planet populated by intelligent people
Who found out about the fundamental energy of the universe
And blew themselves up
And as they blew up, they scattered all kinds of stuff out which became little planet
Which in a long time
Life started all over again
The sound of the waves
The sound of the waves
The sound of the waves
The sound of the waves
What are you listening to?
The sound of the waves
The sound of the waves
The sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
What are you listening to?
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
There is in the beginning the divine bird which lays the egg of the world
And the egg splits
Then the upper is the heaven
And the lower is the earth
So, when
The worlds are manifested
The Lord breathing out
Says “hung”
And when the worlds are withdrawn the breath comes back
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
But if you say hung-sa, hung-sah, hungsah-hung
It becomes sah-hung
A hung
That means
Sah means that
The truth
A hung, I am
I am that
When we get
To the final moment in which the world is blown up
Imagine the count down
This is the end
Somebody's pushed a button
Eight, seven, six, five, four three, two, one
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
What are you listening to?
Sound of the waves
And you can sit and listen to the little waves on the seashore
Now you'll get back here into this kind of thinking and you're hearing the ocean of the universe going
And that's your breathing too
It's all one rhythm
So, it may be that every star was once a planet populated by intelligent people
Who found out about the fundamental energy of the universe
And blew themselves up
And as they blew up, they scattered all kinds of stuff out which became little planet
Which in a long time
Life started all over again
The sound of the waves
The sound of the waves
The sound of the waves
The sound of the waves
What are you listening to?
The sound of the waves
The sound of the waves
The sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
What are you listening to?
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
Sound of the waves
more tracks from the album
- Any Dream You Wanted
- You Have To Come Down
- Always Hoping
- Our Revels Now Are Ended
- Don’t Do It
- Playing At Being You
- Everybody Is God
- The Power Of Omnipotence
- Agrarian Society
- Kalpa
- Sound of The Waves
- If You Were God
- Cosmic Mail Parent
- Godhead
- Play!
- Music (The Angels Fly Because They Take Themselves Lightly)
- God in Disguise
- Atman is Brahman
- That!
- Any Dream You Wanted 2
From the album
Akira The Don popular songs
- Lemmings
- Interesting Times
- Living In The Future 2
- Living In The Future
- Living in the Future 2.5
- Oh (What A Glorious Thing)
- Back In The Day
- Thanks For All The Aids!
- Love
- Liverpool
- Clones
- Patrick
- Full Metal Alchemist (i Walter White)
- Too Sweet To Be Sour
- Be a Plumber
- Heaven and Hell Pt. 1
- The Mysterious
- Those Who Have Everything
- Agreeable and Conscientious
- Music is Everything
- What Would You Be, What Would You Do?
- Tarantulas
- Lunchbucket
- 42 Rules for Life