Released: September 28, 2011

[Verse 1]
’あの ひとたち わ たにん だから’ って いう けれど
みんあ おなじ ち が かよっているんだ
’はなれてる から かんけいない’ って いう けれど
いつも とおく で なきごえ が きこえる

むこうぎし え わたる はし が ない
ならば いっしょ に ふね を つくろう

We're brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers
せかいじゅう の きょうかいせん が なくなれば
こどく わ きっと て を とりあって
おおきな わ に かぞく の わ に なる でしょう
We are family (We are family)
We are family (We are family)
We are family (We are family)
One family

[Verse 2]
め を とじない と みえない もの って なんだろう
それ わ そうぞう から おこる かくめい
ことば なくして つたわる もの って なんだろう
それ わ じはだ が ものがたる やさしさ

ひとつ しかない ぱん を ちぎる から
それ を きみ と いっしょ に たべよう

We're brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers
そら から みた ひと わ みんあ おなじ いろ
しらない て も かぞく の て だ
ゆび を からめ にぎりしめて あるきだそう
We are family (We are family)
We are family (We are family)
We are family (We are family)
One family

しょうじょ の ひとみ に たいよう わ のぼり
しょうねん の たましい に いずみ が わく
へんか の かぜ が ふきはじめた
よあけ わ すぐ そこ に

We're brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers
せかいじゅう の きょうかいせん が なくなれば
ぼくら わ きっと つながる から
おおきな わ に かぞく の わ に なる でしょう
We're brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers
そら から みた ひと わ みんあ おなじ いろ
ぼくら わ いま たびだつ とき
ゆび を からめ にぎりしめて あるきだそう
We are family (We are family)
We are family (We are family)
We are family (We are family)
One family

Angela Aki

Angela Aki (born September 15, 1977) is a Japanese singer-songwriter best known for her Final Fantasy XII theme song, “Kiss Me Goodbye.” She was born in Tokushima, Japan as Kiyomi Aki to a Japanese father and Italian-American mother. Aki has a strong musical background, and started learning how to play the piano, violin, guitar, and drums at the tender age of 3. Aki and her family moved to Hawaii, U.S. at the age of 15.

Her debut album, January 2000’s These Words was released for the American market, with its lyrics being all in English. After moving back to Japan and signing with Sony Music Japan, Aki released Home in June 2006, which peaked at #2 in the Japanese charts. Included on the album was “Kiss Me Goodbye,” which attracted composer Nobuo Uematsu’s attention and included it on the Final Fantasy XII soundtrack.