Party queen! Party queen!

Party queen! Party queen!
Party queen! Party queen!

Saturday night☆

まるで魔法みたい 目の前がバラ色

思い込みでもいいのよ 思いきり思い込むのよ

世界はキラキラ光って 都合の良い事とか
楽しい事だけが この視界に入るわ

I am the party queen! I am the party queen!

We need a drink☆
そこに居る人達とか あそこに居る人達も

世界はぐるぐる回って あなたが誰だったか
あたしが誰なのかさえも 解らなくなるわ

世界は上下も左右も 関係なくなったわ
あたし達が望むのなら どこへでも行けるわ

I am the party queen! I am the party queen!
I am the party queen! I am the party queen!

明日の頭痛と反省は 今は忘れておくわ

世界はキラキラ光って 都合の良い事とか
楽しい事だけが この視界に入るわ

世界はぐるぐる回って あたし達は繰り返す
何度痛い目にあっても 負けたりしないわ

I am the party queen! I am the party queen!
I am the party queen! I am the party queen!

浜崎あゆみ (Ayumi Hamasaki)

Ayumi Hamasaki (浜崎 あゆみ Hamasaki Ayumi, born October 2, 1978) is one of the most prolific singers to have emerged on the Japanese pop scene. Having debuted in the late ‘90s with a mini-album that failed to gain any commercial recognition, only to get catapulted a few years after into stardom with the release of her major studio album. She has released seventeen studio albums and seven extended plays, as well as a series of compilations, remix and live albums.

She is one of the best-selling solo artists of all time in Japan, and holds an impressive amount of record achievements under her belt, including the most number-one hits as well as the most consecutive number-one hits by a female artist.

Ayumi Hamasaki is a recognized figure not only in Japan, but throughout several other Asian countries as well.