Released: December 7, 2012

說了再見 立刻又想再見
我快要無法控制自己 為你而瘋癲

你說的話 怎麼一直重播整夜
行行好 你的魅力不滅 但我好想睡

才剛換好的鎖 一轉眼就要淪陷
我的心房不安全 快要被人催毀


每到深夜 幻想開始作祟
曖昧超展開 幸福就在我的身邊繞圈圈

心裡有鬼 怕怕需要人陪
好不好 說你會照顧我 會幫我解圍
你是認真的嗎 我想再確定一遍
我這樣針鋒相對 會不會太尖銳

心房空缺 準備為你丟掉所有防備
理智撤退 勸戒還在堅守最後防線
高燒不退 我需要喝一杯溫暖的水
愛的美麗 我有過 還能再次擁有對不對?

每到深夜 幻想開始作祟
曖昧超展開 幸福就在我的身邊繞圈圈

心裡有鬼 怕怕需要人陪
好不好 說你會照顧我 會幫我解圍

你是認真的嗎 我想再確定一遍
我這樣針鋒相對 會不會太尖銳

心房空缺 準備為你丟掉所有防備
理智撤退 勸戒還在堅守最後防線
高燒不退 我需要喝一杯溫暖的水
愛的美麗 我有過 還能相信直覺對不對?
理智撤退 勸戒還在堅守最後防線
高燒不退 我需要喝一杯溫暖的水
愛的美麗 我有過 還能再次擁有對不對?

Cyndi Wang (王心凌)

Cyndi Wang (王心凌), was born in Hsinchu, Taiwan on September 5, 1982, and is a singer and actress who debuted in 2003 with the album Begin.

Wang came from humble beginnings, being raised in a single parent family with a younger sibling. She graduated from Okazaki Arts School and later completed a drama degree at Hwa Kang Arts School.

In 2003, she participated in a contest for Avex Taiwan, and was offered training in Japan, which she took. Three months later, she released her debut album with the company in her native country of Taiwan, after they gained interest in her and signed her. In the same year, she debuted as an actress, starring in the drama 西街少年 (West Side Story) alongside Wallace Huo (霍建華) and Esther Liu (劉品言); she would go on to star in more TV dramas and movies, most notably 天國的嫁衣 (Heaven’s Wedding Gown) (2004-2005) alongside Leon Jay Williams (立威廉), and 微笑 Pasta (Smiling Pasta) (2006) alongside Nicholas Teo ( 張棟樑).