Producer: Lupo Groinig

我望著鏡子 是你長年的影子
空洞的對視 寫著失望兩個字
你的愛帶著控制 幽默也帶著諷刺
像木偶忘了認知 我怕事 你放肆

我要為了我 掙脫 吐掉你的毒蘋果
曾對你沉默 被迫 嚥下謊言的糖果
謝謝你逼我 不怯懦 不閃躲
你就別怪我 冷漠 吐掉你的毒蘋果

你額上的眼 對一切視而不見
但直接一點 你不等於全世界
曾經為寧人息事 睜一隻眼閉一隻
曾對你忘我無私 是時候 該停止

我要為了我 掙脫 吐掉你的毒蘋果
曾對你沉默 被迫 嚥下謊言的糖果
謝謝你逼我 不怯懦 不閃躲
你就別怪我 冷漠 吐掉你的毒蘋果

曾經我 害怕離開舒適圈
害怕你不在身邊 縱容你一遍一遍
如今我 決定離開舒適圈
決不臣服你跟前 忘掉你一點一點

我要為了我 掙脫 吐掉你的毒蘋果
曾對你沉默 被迫 嚥下謊言的糖果
謝謝你逼我 不怯懦 不閃躲
你就別怪我 冷漠 吐掉你的毒蘋果

你成就了我 成為 勇敢的我
再沒有什麼 能夠 綁著我
謝謝你逼我 不怯懦 不閃躲
你就別怪我 冷漠 吐掉你的毒蘋果


G.E.M., also known as Gloria Tang (鄧詩穎), is one of Chinese music most famous artists. Dubbed by many as “China’s Taylor Swift,” her unique voice draws people of all languages to listen to her songs.

G.E.M is a stage name that Tang created at 16 when she began her music career. It stands for “Get Everybody Moving” and has become one of her goals in her music career. Tang’s music started gaining more recognition after she competed in a Chinese singing competition, I Am A Singer.

Since beginning her music career at 16, G.E.M has released quite a few successful albums including Heartbeat, Xposed, and MySecret. G.E.M is also extremely influential on social media which caught the attention of Forbes who listed her as one of the “30 under 30” most influential people under the category for musicians.