Released: August 9, 2022

Songwriter: 鄧紫棋 (G.E.M.)

Producer: 鄧紫棋 (G.E.M.) 宫阁 (Palace Court)

[鄧紫棋 (G.E.M.) - GLORIA 中文歌詞]

雕落的葉 灰濛的天
總會等到 新的季節
浩瀚世界 卑微的蝴蝶
她會否等來 誰的慰藉

黎明以前 伸手不見
我的眼淚 落在荒野
在我耳邊 卻一再聽見
若隱若現 細語綿綿

Gloria 不要害怕
Gloria 愛裏沒有懼怕
我的愛 像川流不息
它會洗滌 一切傷疤

在我身旁 不必堅強
讓我背上 你的重量
你若迷惘 我陪你流浪
累了就讓我 帶你飛翔

Gloria 不要害怕
Gloria 愛裏沒有懼怕
我的愛 像無窮深海
它能容下 天崩地塌

Gloria 不要害怕
Gloria 愛裏沒有懼怕
我的愛 在時間之外
不曾離開 不會離開

Gloria 不要害怕
Gloria 愛裏沒有懼怕
我是愛 我恆久忍耐
我在等待 等你回來


G.E.M., also known as Gloria Tang (鄧詩穎), is one of Chinese music most famous artists. Dubbed by many as “China’s Taylor Swift,” her unique voice draws people of all languages to listen to her songs.

G.E.M is a stage name that Tang created at 16 when she began her music career. It stands for “Get Everybody Moving” and has become one of her goals in her music career. Tang’s music started gaining more recognition after she competed in a Chinese singing competition, I Am A Singer.

Since beginning her music career at 16, G.E.M has released quite a few successful albums including Heartbeat, Xposed, and MySecret. G.E.M is also extremely influential on social media which caught the attention of Forbes who listed her as one of the “30 under 30” most influential people under the category for musicians.