Released: December 25, 2013

親愛的 你知不知道 我好想念過去的美好
有說有笑 什麼都能聊
親愛的 你現在好不好 是否有人陪有人照料
單純關心 不是想打擾

每天和時間賽跑 以為這樣就能夠忘掉
無所謂都別計較 卻還是不小心動搖
讓我放聲吵鬧 多希望爭吵過後還能擁抱
隨便寂寞咆哮 未完待續 都只是騙自己
你的愛怎麼能說放就 放開
讓我放聲吵鬧 多希望爭吵過後還能擁抱
親愛的 你現在好不好 是否有人陪有人照料
單純關心 不是想打擾

每天和時間賽跑 以為這樣就能夠忘掉
無所謂都別計較 卻還是不小心動搖
讓我放聲吵鬧 多希望爭吵過後還能擁抱
隨便寂寞咆哮 未完待續 都只是騙自己
你的愛怎麼能說放就 放開

想冷靜 想理性 卻又哭泣
我還相信 還珍惜 不想放棄
答案早已確定 我卻還在原地
Baby 我好想念你

讓我放聲吵鬧 多希望爭吵過後還能擁抱
隨便寂寞咆哮 未完待續 都只是騙自己
你的愛怎麼能說放就 放開

Kimberley Chen 陳芳語

Born on May 23, 1994, in Melbourne, Australia, Kimbereley Chen (陳芳語) is a singer, actress and model who began her career in the entertainment industry as the youngest and only child model on The Price is Right’s 2003 revival, and later starred as the young Nala in the musical production of Disney’s The Lion King at The Regent Theatre in Melbourne, and the Shanghai Grand Theatre in Shanghai.

Chen eventually moved to Taiwan and debuted as a singer with the track “愛你” in 2012, which would later go on her self-titled debut album. She would eventually go on to release two more albums, Kimbonomics (2013) and Tag Me (2017).