"Shine" is the debut single by alternative rock band Collective Soul. It served as the lead single for their 1993/1994 debut album, Hints Allegations and Things Left Unsaid. "Shine" would remain the band's most well known song and a hallmark of 1990s alternative rock. It became the #1 Album Rock Song of 1994, and won a Billboard award for Top Rock Track. The song also reached the top of the Billboard Album Rock Tracks chart for eight weeks. The song then went on to peak at #11 on the Billboard Hot 100 for one week. Read more on Last.fm.

Length: 5:07

A buzzard took a monkey for a ride in the air
Monkey thought that everything was on the square
The buzzard tried to throw the monkey off his back
But the monkey grabbed his neck and said "Now listen, jack"

"Straighten up and fly right
"Straighten up and stay right
"Straighten up and fly right
"Cool down papa, don't you blow your top
"Ain't no use in divin'
"What's the use of jivin'
"Straighten up and fly right
"Cool down papa, don't you blow your top."

The buzzard told the monkey "You are chokin' me
"Release your hold, and I will set you free"
The monkey looked the buzzard right dead in the eye
And said "Your story's so touching but it sounds like a lie"

Straighten up and fly right
Straighten up and stay right
Straighten up and fly right
Cool down papa don't you blow your top


Straighten up and fly right
Straighten up and stay right
Straighten up and fly right
Cool down papa don't you blow your top

Ain't no use in divin'
What's the use of jivin'
You better, straighten up and fly right
Cool down papa don't you blow your top

Fly right

Natalie Cole

The daughter of jazz legend Nat King Cole, Natalie Marie Cole (February 6, 1950-December 31, 2015) was an R&B icon who was primarily active from 1956 until her death in 2015 due to congestive heart failure at age 65. She first rose to success in the mid-‘70s with Inseparable and Natalie and later spawning Grammy-recognized albums like Unforgettable…With Love, which took home Album of the Year.

Cole has nine Grammy Awards out of twenty-one nominations – only a small testament to her legend.