Released: November 13, 2000
Songwriter: Neil Young
Hey hey, my my
Rock and roll will never die
There's more to the picture
Than meets the eye
Hey hey, my my
Get out of the blue and into the black
They give you this but you pay for that
And when you die, no you won't come back
Because your out of the blue and into the black
My my, hey hey
Rock and roll is here to stay
It's better to burn out than to fade away
My my, hey hey, hey
Rock and roll will never die
There's more to the picture
Than meets the eye
Hey hey, my my
Get out of the blue and into the black
They give you this but you pay for that
And when you die, no you won't come back
Because your out of the blue and into the black
My my, hey hey
Rock and roll is here to stay
It's better to burn out than to fade away
My my, hey hey, hey
more tracks from the album
Familiar to Millions
- Fuckin’ in the Bushes
- Rock ‘n’ Roll Star [Familiar to Millions]
- Champagne Supernova [Familiar to Millions]
- Live Forever [Familiar to Millions]
- Don’t Look Back in Anger [Familiar to Millions]
- Cigarettes & Alcohol [Familiar to Millions]
- Wonderwall [Familiar to Millions]
- Stand by Me [Familiar to Millions]
- Roll With It [Familiar to Millions]
- Gas Panic! [Familiar to Millions]
- Step Out [Familiar to Millions]
- Acquiesce [Familiar to Millions]
- Shakermaker [Familiar to Millions]
- Supersonic [Familiar to Millions]
- Who Feels Love? [Familiar to Millions]
- Go Let It Out [Familiar to Millions]
- Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black) [Familiar to Millions]
- Helter Skelter [Familiar to Millions]
From the album
- Familiar to Millions (2000)
Oasis popular songs
- Wonderwall
- Don’t Look Back in Anger
- Champagne Supernova
- Live Forever
- Supersonic
- Stand by Me
- Stop Crying Your Heart Out
- Morning Glory
- Slide Away
- Half the World Away
- The Masterplan
- Some Might Say
- She’s Electric
- Don’t Go Away
- Whatever
- Cast No Shadow
- Talk Tonight
- Cigarettes & Alcohol
- D’You Know What I Mean?
- Rock ‘n’ Roll Star
- Acquiesce
- Songbird
- Little by Little
- Roll With It