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Or perhaps you can help us out. If you have the lyrics of this song, it would be great if you can submit these. That will definitely help us and the other visitors!
more tracks from the album
From the album
- Trap Music: Winter Olympics (2010)
Rick Ross popular songs
- Stay Schemin’
- Diced Pineapples
- The Devil Is a Lie
- Sanctified
- Aston Martin Music
- In Vein
- Power Circle
- Gold Roses
- Idols Become Rivals
- Sixteen
- Thug Cry
- Hustlin’
- Sorry
- So Sophisticated
- 3 Kings
- Nobody
- B.M.F. (Blowin’ Money Fast)
- Hold Me Back
- Apple of My Eye
- Free Mason
- Holy Ghost
- 100 Black Coffins
- War Ready
- Rich Forever