Released: December 22, 1999

Songwriter: Hiromasa Ijichi

[SPEED「Deep Blue & Truth」歌詞]

束ねた髪ほどいて 眠たげな目こすって
もたれかかる 腕の中 不意に涙でてきちゃう
肩ひも落ちたキャミソール けだるく夜は更けていく
あなた以外誰にも こんなKISSさせていないよ

Deep Blue & Truth 出逢ってしまった
いきなり 恋に溺れた
Deep Love Tonight どんな顔して ねぇ…
Deep Blue & Truth 好きって認めたら
Deep Love Tonight 深い海の底

寂しいサインはいつでも 出してたけど気づいてくれない
初めてね そんな風に 髪撫でてくれる人は

Deep Love & Truth 見つめ合うだけで
Deep Kiss Tonight 正直な気持ち

出逢った瞬間から 別れの場面予感している
いつか終わると知ってて あなたなしじゃ笑えなくて

Deep Love & Truth 逢うと拒めない
Deep Kiss Tonight でも彼すごく

Deep Blue & Truth 揺れる珊瑚礁
Deep Love Tonight 深い海の底


SPEED is a four piece Japanese girl group consisting of Hiroko Shimabukuro (島袋寛子), Eriko Imai (今井絵理子), Takako Uehara (上原多香子), and Hitoe Arakaki (新垣仁絵) with the single “Body & Soul” in 1996 with the main vocalists being Hiroko and Eriko; the youngest members at the time were only 13 years of age.

The group would go on to win the Japan Gold Disc Awards such as New Artist of the Year, Pop Album of the Year, and Song of the Year. However, by 2000, the group decided to disband, much to the dismay of loyal fans, but did get together numerous times – twice to release music, and many other times for charity. During their disbandment, the members embarked on solo careers, most notably Hiroko.

On August 20, 2008, the group announced that they would be reuniting permanently, and made their major comeback on November 12, 2008, with the single “あしたの空”, which translates roughly as “Tomorrow’s Sky”.