Released: May 21, 1997

Songwriter: Hiromasa Ijichi


地下鉄をおりれば にぎわう街 Weekend
待ち合わせの ファーストフード
くりだそうぜ Funky Night
車の列のすき間 小走りに渡れば

Backst.から R & B
アタシたちの Little World
顔見知りの Funny Guy
群がっていく“Clap your hands!”
はみ出したいよ 今夜は思いきり みんな忘れて

Step into the Night 夜はこれから
さぁ踊り明かそうよ Over Night
Groovin' tonight ムード盛り上がってく
何だってやれそうな Power がみなぎっていくよ
Am.12:00 すぎたら もう帰れない

Step into the Night yeah…

君と同じ cK be
想い出しちゃう Love & Pain
ハモれそうね You & Me
熱くなるよ Body & Soul
傷ついた心に 落書きして…上から

超イケてる男なら It's All Light
ついていくよ Without Love
逢った時から密かに Favorite
もしかしたら Is this love?

ひとときの Happy でいい
消しゴムで 消せる遊びなら…

Step into the Night 陽気にやれば
一時でも主役に なれるよね
Groovin' tonight 抱き合っていれば
この街で ひとりぼっちじゃないと 思えるよ
夜はどこまでも um… 深くなる


One Night Dream 夜が明けたら
クシャクシャに丸めて 捨てよう
RAKUGAKI した 恋の数だけ
ときめいて 傷ついて 大人になっていくのね

Step into the Night yeah…
Groovin' tonight yeah…


SPEED is a four piece Japanese girl group consisting of Hiroko Shimabukuro (島袋寛子), Eriko Imai (今井絵理子), Takako Uehara (上原多香子), and Hitoe Arakaki (新垣仁絵) with the single “Body & Soul” in 1996 with the main vocalists being Hiroko and Eriko; the youngest members at the time were only 13 years of age.

The group would go on to win the Japan Gold Disc Awards such as New Artist of the Year, Pop Album of the Year, and Song of the Year. However, by 2000, the group decided to disband, much to the dismay of loyal fans, but did get together numerous times – twice to release music, and many other times for charity. During their disbandment, the members embarked on solo careers, most notably Hiroko.

On August 20, 2008, the group announced that they would be reuniting permanently, and made their major comeback on November 12, 2008, with the single “あしたの空”, which translates roughly as “Tomorrow’s Sky”.