Featuring: S. Money Johnny Juliano
Songwriter: S. Money Johnny Juliano Wiz Khalifa
Producer: Johnny Juliano
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Or perhaps you can help us out. If you have the lyrics of this song, it would be great if you can submit these. That will definitely help us and the other visitors!
- Show and Prove (2006)
- See You Again
- Remember You
- We Dem Boyz
- Black and Yellow
- Medicated
- Work Hard, Play Hard
- Hopeless Romantic
- Maan
- Bake Sale
- So High (Blacc Hollywood)
- The Plan
- Promises
- Something New
- Paperbond
- King of Everything
- Pull Up
- KK
- California
- Roll Up
- Taylor Gang
- Lit (Remix)
- On My Level
- Started From The Bottom (Remix)
- ’Bout Me