Featuring: S. Money Johnny Juliano

Songwriter: S. Money Johnny Juliano Wiz Khalifa

Producer: Johnny Juliano

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Wiz Khalifa

Wiz Khalifa’s real name is Cameron Jibril Thomaz. Young Khalifa is part of a generation of new rappers, along with Drake, Kid Cudi and others, who came up through internet mixtapes and have little to no connection to the streets, gang violence, or the drug game.

Wiz Khalifa is a Pittsburgh-region rapper famous for his chill flow, weed smoking, and rapid rise to fame. Wiz has released a series of massively successful mixtapes, including Kush & Orange Juice, Star Power, and Cabin Fever, as well as five albums; Rolling Papers, O.N.I.F.C., Blacc Hollywood, KHALIFA, and Rolling Papers 2.