116 Clique
116 is a hip-hop/rap collective formed by Reach Records in Atlanta, GA. The name is the foundation for the Unashamed movement, which comes from the Bible passage Romans 1:16 which states,
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.
Popular Songs
- Now They Know
- Man Up Anthem
- Light Work
- Live Forever
- Come Alive
- Authority
- Repentance
- We Three Kings
- Breathe in Breathe Out
- Fanatics
- In Ya Hood
- Impressed
- Streets
- Break it Down (1 Corinthians)
- Responsibility
- Love Song
- Kingdom People
- Crossover (Remix)
- Courage
- Send Me / Represent
- Cash or Christ / Fanatics
- No More
- Beyond Belief
- Joy (Live Version)