Block B
Block B
the first k-pop boyband that debuted on 2011 with a different concept, breaking the “male idols stereotypes.” their uniqueness makes them stand out alongside their charts-breaking songs that was composed and written by Poptime and leader (and rapper) of the group itself, Zico.
Popular Songs
- Shall We Dance
- Very Good (English Version)
- Yesterday
- 떠나지마요 (Don’t Leave)
- U Hoo Hoo
- Very Good
- Nice Day
- Wanna B
- Halo
- 11:30
- Jackpot
- 일방적이야 (One Way)
- My Zone (Korean Ver.)
- Freeze 그대로 멈춰라!
- Very Good - Japanese Version
- NILLILI MAMBO - Japanese Version
- HER - Japanese Version
- JACKPOT - Japanese Version
- Be The Light - Japanese Version
- Toy - Japanese Version
- Movie’s Over - Japanese Version
- Toy