蔡依林 (Jolin Tsai)
Popular Songs
- Ugly Beauty (怪美的)
- Spying On You Behind the Fence (柵欄間隙偷窺你)
- PLAY (Play 我呸)
- Shadow Self (你睡醒再看)
- Necessary Evil (惡之必要)
- Womxnly (玫瑰少年)
- Karma (你也有今天)
- Lady in Red (紅衣女孩)
- 甜秘密 (Sweet Guilty Pleasure)
- Romance (愛的羅曼死)
- Vulnerability (如果我沒有傷口)
- Hubby (腦公)
- Life Sucks (消極掰)
- Gentlewomen (第二性)
- Medusa (美杜莎)
- Lip Reading (唇語)
- I’m Not Yours
- I Love, I Embrace (自愛自受)
- Miss Trouble
- Phony Queen (電話皇后)
- The Third Person and I (第三人稱)
- We’re All Different, Yet the Same (不一樣又怎樣)
- Signature Move (招牌動作)
- Ugly Beauty (怪美的) (English Translation)