Masta Killa
Masta Killa
Elgin Turner, Jamel Irief
The last member to join the legendary Wu-Tang Clan and to release a solo album, Jamal Arief, more commonly known as Masta Killa, is known for his laid-back and wise flow, most notable on his clan’s sophomore album, Wu-Tang Forever. His debut album, No Said Date is regarded as one the best post 2000 solo albums from Wu-Tang clan.
2004: No Said Date
Popular Songs
- Old Man
- Street Corner
- Therapy
- Silverbacks
- Iron God Chamber
- It’s What it Is
- Pass the Bone (Remix)
- Digi Warfare
- No Said Date
- D.T.D. (Do the Dance)
- Secret Rivals
- School
- The Man
- Silverbacks (dirty)
- Silverbacks (radio edit)
- Shaolin Temple
- Tiger and the Mantice
- Skit 3 (from Selling my Soul)
- The Abbott & The Masta