NMB48 is the second Japanese sister group to AKB48 and debuted in July of 2011 with the single 絶滅黒髪少女. The group represents the Namba district of Osaka, Japan and performs in their local theater, which is located in the basement of the Yes-Namba building in the city.
The group has three official teams (excluding the Kenkyuusei or trainee group), which are N Team, M Team and BII Team respectively.
Popular Songs
- 僕らのユリイカ - Bokura no Eureka
- 絶滅黒髪少女 - Zetsumetsu Kurokami Shōjo
- 青春のラップタイム - Seishun no Lap Time
- 僕が負けた夏 - Boku ga maketa natsu
- 待ってました、新学期 - Mattemashita, shin gakki
- 三日月の背中 - Mikadzuki no senaka
- HA!
- 君と出会って僕は変わった - Kimi to Deatte Boku wa Kawatta
- パンキッシュ - Punkish
- だってだってだって - Datte Datte Datte
- イケナイコト - Ikenai Koto (Shiroma Miru)
- 涯 - Hate (Team N)
- 青春はブラスバンド - Seishun wa Brass Band
- Be happy (Team BII)
- イミフ - Imifu (Murase Sae)
- ただいま 恋愛中 - Tadaima Renaichuu (NMB48 Cover)
- 下手を打つ - Hetawoutsu
- 真夜中の強がり - Mayonaka no Tsuyogari
- しがみついた青春 - Shigamitsuita Seishun
- オーマイガー! - Oh My God!
- 僕は待ってる - Boku wa Matteru
- 結晶 - Kesshou
- 捕食者たちよ - Hoshokushatachi yo
- 嘘の天秤 - Uso no Tenbin