Released: December 6, 2010

Songwriter: Moby

Producer: Mylène Farmer Moby

“YEAH RIGHT” was an unreleased song from Joji. It was performed live at 88rising’s ‘Double Happiness’ Tour, and had been confirmed by Joji to be released on May 8, 2018 for his debut studio album, BALLADS 1. In the song, Joji is portraying someone who has gone through a rough break-up. In order to get over the girl, he chooses to “fuck up his life” by partying all night. Read more on

Hey, it's good to see you
And you're doing well
But deep down, I love you
As you can probably tell
I wished I could believe
I could be the one
To care for and love you, baby
As I could've done

I know now that everything had to end this way
I wanted to believe in love
That it would finally stay
And I send you to the world
And I send you with a kiss
I know now that you're the one
That I will always miss

Hey, it's good to see you
And you're doing well
But deep down, I love you
And I feel like hell
I wish I could believe
I could be the one
To care for and love you, baby
As I could've done

I know now that everything had to end this way
I wanted to believe in love
That it would finally stay
And I send you to the world
I send you with a kiss
I know now that you're the one
That I will always miss

Hey, it's good to see you, to see, to see
Hey, it's good to see you, to see, to see
Hey, it's good to see you, to see, to see
Hey, it's good to see you, to see, to see
Let me tell you know
To see, to see you, to see you, to see you
I know now that everything had to end this way
To see, to see you, to see you, to see you
That it would finally stay
To see, to see you, to see you, to see you
And I send you to the world
To see, to see you, to see you, to see you
I send you with a kiss
To see, to see you, to see you, to see you
I know now that you're the one
To see, to see you, to see you, to see you
That I will always miss
To see, to see you, to see you, to see you

Mylène Farmer

Mylène Farmer est une auteur-compositrice-interprète française, née le 12 septembre 1961 à Pierrefonds (Montréal, Québec).

Depuis 1984, elle est la chanteuse qui vend le plus de disques en France et connaît également un succès considérable dans les pays francophones et en Europe de l’Est dépassant les 30 millions de disques vendus. Détentrice du record du nombre de Disques de Diamant, elle est également l'artiste ayant classé le plus de titres à la 1re place du Top 50 (13, aucun autre artiste n'ayant réussi à en classer plus de 5), ainsi que dans le top 10 (45 titres).

Apparaissant rarement dans les médias et refusant de communiquer sur sa vie privée, elle s’est construit avec Laurent Boutonnat un univers musical singulier, notamment à travers ses clips et ses concerts spectaculaires. Mylène Farmer est classée première parmi les chanteurs français les mieux payés en 2013, avec 4,7 millions d’euros de revenus.