春雨後 太陽緩緩的露出笑容
妳的微笑 就像彎彎的彩虹
在這片天空 雲朵就是我

微風慢慢吹著 幸福感動
我也想緊緊握 緊緊牽妳的手
浪漫的抱著妳 看著日落

怕黑時候 數著指頭 時間就會很快過
我會小心呵護守候 下雨有我肩膀靠
睡不著記得想著我 三秒後會夢見我
載著氣球 陪妳兜風 看遍所有會笑的星空

整個夏天 想和妳環遊世界
山路蜿蜒 就像是愛的冒險
妳的笑臉 是我唯一的零嘴

整個夏天 融化了整個季節 ( 季節 )
一天一天 把妳定格在結尾
讓我了解 愛原來可以那麼簡單點綴
看窗外的藍天 在這個屋簷

微風慢慢吹著 幸福感動
我也想緊緊握 緊緊牽妳的手
浪漫的抱著妳 看著日落

怕黑時候 數著指頭 時間就會很快過
我會小心呵護守候 下雨有我肩膀靠
睡不著記得想著我 三秒後會夢見我
載著氣球 陪妳兜風 看遍所有會笑的星空

整個夏天 想和妳環遊世界 ( Yah ~ )
山路蜿蜒 就像是愛的冒險 ( Ooh ~ )
妳的笑臉 是我唯一的零嘴 ( Yah ~ )
我用雙眼補捉這特寫 ( Ooh ~ )

整個夏天 融化了整個季節 ( 季節 )
一天一天 把妳定格在結尾 ( Ooh ~ )
讓我了解 愛原來可以那麼簡單點綴
看窗外的藍天 在這個屋簷

李玖哲 (Nicky Lee)

Nicky Lee is a Korean American (Korean name 이구철, Chinese name 李玖哲) singer and actor born on November 26, 1980, and was raised in Los Angeles, California.

Nicky began activities in the entertainment industry in 1988. Despite his Korean descent, Nicky gained popularity in the Taiwanese hip hop group Machi. He then released a solo album in Taiwan in 2005. Nicky later went on to join the Korean American Kpop group AZIATIX in 2011 until its disbandment in 2015 and continued solo activities afterward and continues on in the Taiwanese industry.

Over the years, Nicky went by many stage names while trying to make it big in the entertainment industry. Among the names, he has been known to go by Neil Keyz, Saint and Li Jiuzhe – Li Jiuzhe being his Chinese name.