作詞:中文詞:徐世珍 作曲:Steve Smith/Anthony Anderson/Sean Hosein/Dan Devil

Boom Boom Boom 不像我 這不像我 擦槍走火天搖地動
前所未有左邊胸口 心跳聲 轟隆隆

整個世界突然濃縮 只剩下你的笑容
愛來得空前絕後 深呼吸 再呼吸

不管要跟誰對不起 不管要受多少委曲
很奇怪只要見到你 就好快樂

忍住哭忍住笑忍不住愛 心裡有一條河洪水氾濫
愛情把所有的原則都打敗 Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom

忍住哭忍住笑忍不住愛 我的心會不會跳的太快
愛到來不及想應該不應該 Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom

心裡藏了一個按鈕 四目相對全面暴動
我似乎和你見過 怎麼了 我不懂

矇上眼睛摀住耳朵 怎麼阻止我也沒有用
我就是想要愛你 沒出息 沒關係

Boom Boom Boom

Oh 你眼神你手心你的呼吸 一切都彷彿為我而設計
這是天意所以不可能去抗拒 Boom Boom Boom Boom
我的心你的心一樣頻率 都說愛要小心怎麼小心
我的船就這樣翻在你眼睛裡 Boom Boom Boom Boom

S.H.E (G)

she is the musical project of Polish artist, record producer and instrumentalist Lain Volta Trzaska.

Established in 2002, the musical project is one of While some of the albums produced have a “storyline”, the official story in question is interpreted by the listener themselves. Through images and sounds, a character is created for a specific album and the rest is left for interpretation. While this is the typical formula, exceptions have been made.

she is considered one half of “shemusic”, a stylistic musical genre collective consisting of she and Imagery by Sound, another project by Trzaska that contains canonical material within the collective.