Released: August 20, 2016

Steely walks up to the parking structure of the corporate campus where Garten's car is located. Florence is manning the security desk. Looks on at Steely knowingly. This is one of Florence's gigs.

     Florence: 'C'mon.'
     Florence: 'Don't get yourself into anything you can't get out of child.'
     Florence: 'Gimme.' (Pointing at the bulge in his pocket.)

Walks past security into the empty underworld of parking levels—few overnighted vehicles here and there. He goes to where he left Garten's car and gets in. He pulls out a box of smokes and reads the warning label. He smokes a cigarette and begins looking at his teeth in the mirror. Garten's keys are inside as before. He starts the car. He drives normally, calmly, making his way off the corporate campus onto the highway, and getting off at an exit leading to a neighborhood nestled by woods. There is a subdivision ahead of him comprised mostly of high-rises. There's a lake passed.

Frank Ocean

Christopher Edwin Breaux, professionally known as Frank Ocean, was born on the 28th of October, 1987 in New Orleans, Louisiana, and has earned cult-icon status with his enigmatic persona and idiosyncratic approach to pop. It is reported that the name “Frank Ocean” was partially inspired by the original Ocean’s 11 (1960) film, which starred Frank Sinatra.

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina destroyed his recording studio in New Orleans which prompted his move out to LA, joining hip hop collective Odd Future later in 2009. Ocean started out ghostwriting tracks for pop stars such as Justin Bieber and Beyoncé, but decided on a career

There was a point where I was composing for other people, and it might have been comfy to continue to do that and enjoy that income stream and the anonymity,“ he says. "But that’s not why I moved away from school and away from family.