Released: December 25, 2020

Producer: 陳珊妮 (Sandee Chan)

天亮前登陸 紮營在土星某處 是有點荒蕪
這不算華麗的寒舍 簡陋但滿足
這裡沒有報告書 沒有高科技和網路
只有你我 和寧靜的深空
閒來無事 就朝著衛星 對兵荒馬亂的地球 打個招呼
親愛的 讓我們到土星露宿
種一株羽衣甘藍 聊聊天或下廚
還原到 顯生宙前那份靜樸 栖居這蠻荒樂土
與世隔絕 心無旁騖 探索戀愛這科幻的藝術
看幾個日出 繞幾圈赤道公路
隨星屑慢舞 時間在這裡失去意義 什麼叫忙碌
這裡沒有人競賽 沒有儀式化的社交
只剩你我 兩隻簡單生物 星際漫步
睡飽就滿足 在某星拚命追求的 顯得虛無
親愛的 讓我們到土星露宿
讓我們暫時忘掉 當人類的義務
無重地感受這 最原始的相處
悶了嗎 讓我去趟星艦總部 買幾本銀河瑣事
「等我回家」原來是這樣浪漫得要死的 幾個字

Aaron Yan (炎亞綸)

Aaron Yan (炎亞綸) was born as Keng Lin Wu on November 20, 1985 in Taipei, Taiwan, but moved to Conneticut in the U.S. with his family, where they lived for five years before returning to Taiwan.

Yan is a an actor, singer, lyricist and entrepreuner who gained fame in the boy band Fahrenheit (飛輪海) in 2005; he can also play instruments such as the flute, violin, piano and guitar. However, Yan was initially scouted in 2004 by management agency Comic Productions after posting pictures of himself on a public blog, and made his debut as an actor that year, in the drama I Love My Wife, as a guest role. Despite his debut in the industry, he was reluctant as being a celebrity was not something that had initially wanted to do.

Despite releasing music with his group, he would eventually make his own music, with the debut EP 下一個 (The Next Me), with the title track of the same name in 2011. Yan would also continue to star in dramas, and would even perform songs for the soundtracks for many. During this time, Yan was signed with Comic Productions and HIM International Music, however, he is currently with Sony Music Taiwan.