Released: December 25, 2020

Producer: 陳珊妮 (Sandee Chan)

又結束一天 沒有血腥的戰役
又完成一段 野蠻生活的修行
陽台上 你凝望夜空 我凝望著你
龐大的情緒 鯨落成
一撮微小的 王家衛式的嘆息
任坦蕩的情緒 暴烈得 洶湧得 悄然無息
原來靈犀 是從高低的呼吸 聽得到字字珠璣
原來世上 有種最美的溝通 可以是不發一語
拿掉了語言 卸下糖衣或兵器
有時寧靜中 才聽得鉅細無遺
陽台上 我回歸了我 你回歸了你
來同歸於靜 兩個人
沉默中感受 什麼叫不言而喻
任流動的靈慾 澎湃卻又不著痕跡
原來靈犀 是從高低的呼吸 聽得到字字珠璣
原來世上 有種最美的溝通 可以是不發一語
原來寧靜 是給生活的噪音 幽默地回將一軍
原來世上 有種最美的浪漫 不必用言語說明

Aaron Yan (炎亞綸)

Aaron Yan (炎亞綸) was born as Keng Lin Wu on November 20, 1985 in Taipei, Taiwan, but moved to Conneticut in the U.S. with his family, where they lived for five years before returning to Taiwan.

Yan is a an actor, singer, lyricist and entrepreuner who gained fame in the boy band Fahrenheit (飛輪海) in 2005; he can also play instruments such as the flute, violin, piano and guitar. However, Yan was initially scouted in 2004 by management agency Comic Productions after posting pictures of himself on a public blog, and made his debut as an actor that year, in the drama I Love My Wife, as a guest role. Despite his debut in the industry, he was reluctant as being a celebrity was not something that had initially wanted to do.

Despite releasing music with his group, he would eventually make his own music, with the debut EP 下一個 (The Next Me), with the title track of the same name in 2011. Yan would also continue to star in dramas, and would even perform songs for the soundtracks for many. During this time, Yan was signed with Comic Productions and HIM International Music, however, he is currently with Sony Music Taiwan.