Released: October 19, 2012

借了要還 不如賴著 比誰先開口
妳看著我 好像羞澀 更多在揣測
人是自私的 但也需要溫柔
妳的忐忑 我好想戳破

招牌的字 鐵窗的鏽 算不了承諾
借妳的手 暖我的手 勇敢的欠了
愛是愛到了 怎麼有點苦澀

天黑過 天亮過 等太久 我還是我
借新的 還舊的 太累了
左轉過 右轉過 到頭了 此路不通

妳不願當面封鎖 我在裝耳鬢廝磨
到最後 站在街頭

招牌的字 鐵窗的鏽 算不了承諾
借妳的手 暖我的手 勇敢的欠了
還是愛到了 怎麼有點苦澀

天黑過 天亮過 等太久 我還是我
借新的 還舊的 太累了
左轉過 右轉過 到頭了 此路不通

妳不願當面封鎖 我在裝耳鬢廝磨
到最後 站在街頭

整個樂園 沒有一個玩偶
旋轉杯 旋轉出 更多寂寞
戲也演了 心也掏過 等不到飛蛾撲火
也只好冷了 oh~

天黑過 天亮過 等太久 我還是我
借新的 還舊的 太累了
左轉過 右轉過 到頭了 此路不通

妳笑著說再連絡 我虛心檢討過錯
妳和我 他日擦身

散的散 自有理由
背對背 望著黑洞
是否我 至少能說 借過妳片刻

請多多支持 炎亞綸

謝謝聆聽 ~

Aaron Yan (炎亞綸)

Aaron Yan (炎亞綸) was born as Keng Lin Wu on November 20, 1985 in Taipei, Taiwan, but moved to Conneticut in the U.S. with his family, where they lived for five years before returning to Taiwan.

Yan is a an actor, singer, lyricist and entrepreuner who gained fame in the boy band Fahrenheit (飛輪海) in 2005; he can also play instruments such as the flute, violin, piano and guitar. However, Yan was initially scouted in 2004 by management agency Comic Productions after posting pictures of himself on a public blog, and made his debut as an actor that year, in the drama I Love My Wife, as a guest role. Despite his debut in the industry, he was reluctant as being a celebrity was not something that had initially wanted to do.

Despite releasing music with his group, he would eventually make his own music, with the debut EP 下一個 (The Next Me), with the title track of the same name in 2011. Yan would also continue to star in dramas, and would even perform songs for the soundtracks for many. During this time, Yan was signed with Comic Productions and HIM International Music, however, he is currently with Sony Music Taiwan.