Released: October 19, 2011

美人鱼浪漫传说 到底是不是真的
百慕达的三角洲 是否真的有外星人
哪位明星变好多 丑小鸭变天鹅
哪天会交男朋友 你又为何那么 care

听说 听说 总是 喜欢道听途说
什么 闹什么
爱传八卦谣言 的你

有没有 (有没有 有没有)
喔 有没有 (有没有)
信就信 否就否
有没有 (有没有 有没有)
不要再问了 (有没有)
你真的 很啰唆
我跟他 到底有没有牵手
气死你 气死你 偏不说
有没有 喜欢你 要你猜破了头

美人鱼浪漫传说 到底是不是真的
百慕达的三角洲 是否真的有外星人
哪位明星变好多 丑小鸭变天鹅
哪天会交男朋友 你又为何那么 care

听说 听说 总是 喜欢道听途说
什么 闹什么
爱传八卦谣言 的你

闹 now 闹 now now

有没有 (有没有 有没有)
喔 有没有 (有没有)
信就信 否就否
有没有 (有没有 有没有)
不要再问了 (有没有)
你真的 很啰唆
我跟他 到底有没有牵手
气死你 气死你 偏不说
有没有 喜欢你 要你猜破了头

有没有 不要再问了
有没有 气死你 气死你 偏不说
有没有 你真的 很啰唆
有没有 爱不是说说 就能成功

有没有 (有没有 有没有)
喔 有没有 (有没有)
信就信 否就否
有没有 (有没有 有没有)
不要再问了 (有没有)
你真的 很啰唆
我跟他 到底有没有牵手
气死你 气死你 偏不说
有没有 喜欢你 要你猜破了头|


BY2 consists of Singaporean twin sisters Miko (孫涵) and Yumi Bai (孫雨) who were born in Yio Chu Kang, Singapore on March 23, 1992— Miko is the eldest of the two while Yumi is the youngest. They are among the most internationally recognized Singaporean acts alongside the likes of JJ Lin and Stefanie Sun.

The twins had a passion for dance and music at a very young age, as they learned violin, piano, ballet, and many other styles of dancing such as Chinese traditional folk and ballet. As they grew older, they learned more modern forms of dance such as hip hop and street dance; their father was a driving force in nurturing the twins' career in music. However, he would pass away in 2007 before witnessing his daughters' debut and rise to stardom.

In 2007, they moved to Taiwan and joined Ocean Butterflies' Music Forest’s V Singer (“非常歌手”) training course at the age of 13 where they graduated with a “Best Costume Design” award and were granted a 10-year contract after being noticed by Billy Koh of Ocean Butterflies Music. Miko and Yumi were later sent to various countries in order to train and hone in their vocals and dancing skills.