愛情究竟是什麼 像一個下了魔咒的蘋果
上次戀愛的結果 滋味要比想像苦澀的多
分手紀念日午後 還聞得到時間裡的寂寞
還好天氣還不錯 找朋友到海邊去吹吹風
曾聽過有人說愛情瓦解後 是一種瞭解自己窗口
當愛情一點一滴一點一滴隨他遠走 曾覺得整個世界都放棄了我
而朋友一左一右一左一右陪伴著我 在離我最近的地方守候
於是我一點一滴一點一滴心平氣和 就算聽說他和她過得很快樂
我卻不想為寂寞重蹈覆轍 我問我自己 準備好了沒有

分手紀念日午後 還聞得到時間裡的寂寞
還好天氣還不錯 找朋友到海邊去吹吹風
曾聽過有人說愛情瓦解後 是一種瞭解自己窗口
當愛情一點一滴一點一滴隨他遠走 曾覺得整個世界都放棄了我
而朋友一左一右一左一右陪伴著我 在離我最近的地方守候
於是我一點一滴一點一滴心平氣和 就算聽說他和她過得很快樂
我卻不想為寂寞重蹈覆轍 我問我自己 準備好了沒有

當愛情一點一滴一點一滴隨他遠走 曾覺得整個世界都放棄了我
而朋友一左一右一左一右陪伴著我 在離我最近的地方守候
於是我一點一滴一點一滴心平氣和 就算聽說他和她過得很快樂
我卻不想為寂寞重蹈覆轍 我問我自己 準備好了沒
自己 準備好了沒有
Da la li la da li la da li la uh uh

Elva Hsiao (萧亚轩)

Elva Hsiao (蕭亞軒) was born in Zhongli, Taoyuan, Taiwan on August 24, 1979, as Xiāo Yǎzhī (蕭雅之), and was signed to her first agency EMI Virgin (now known as Virgin EMI) Records in Hong Kong in 1998 after her appearance on the program New Talent Singing Awards as one of their first recording artists; she made top twelve on the show.

Hsiao made her debut with her self-titled album 蕭亞軒– in 1999 and has gained a lot of popularity, being recognized as one of the most popular singers in the Chinese market among her peers. As a result, Hsiao has been a brand ambassador for foreign and domestic brands such as Motorola, Sprite, Ford and more.