Released: January 1, 2001

悲しい目をした僕は もうどこにもイナイ
不安な夜 乗り越えて やってくるよすぐに未来が

僕の体 締めつけてる
無気力な 脳に一筋のビーム
眩しくて ちゃんと見れない

相当 重症なんだね
君を見た その時から やっと動き始めたんだ

そして生まれたこの愛が 心の宇宙へと
悲しい目をした僕は もうイナイ
不安な夜 乗り越えて やってくるよすぐに未来が

僕はそれに 悩まされる
身勝手な 偽善者だらけのニュース
うんざりで もう見れない


そして同じような愛が 同じ空の下で
今日もたくさん生まれてく まわれまわれ地球
何よりも強いエナジー あふれ出す
怖いものなんかないよ キモチいつもそばにあるから

誰だって捨てきれない 爆弾胸に抱えてる
だけど喜びあえる 幸せも知ってるから

そして生まれたこの愛が 心の宇宙へと
悲しい目をした僕は もうイナイ
不安な夜 乗り越えて やってくるよすぐに未来が

Every Little Thing

Every Little Thing (エヴリ・リトル・シング), often abbreviated as ELT or elt, is a Japanese pop and soft rock duo who originally debuted as a trio in August of 1996 with the single Feel My Heart. At the time of debut, the members were Mitsuru Igarashi, Kaori Mochida and Ichiro Ito.

The group was originally formed because Mitsuru Igarashi, who was a producer for avex trax at the time, was searching for a female vocalist for a duo. Kaori Mochida, who was a student and former member of the group The Kuro Buta All-Stars, had sent in a demo to Mitsuru and he had been so speechless by Kaori’s vocals, had asked her to join the group he was forming and she willingly accepted. Ichiro Ito on the other hand, was a friend of Mitusuru’s who conveniently, plays the guitar, was asked to help play the guitar for the first single; the track did so well that Ito decided to stay in the group permanently. However, by the time the trio released their third single, Mitsuru had decided to leave in order to produce songs for other artists under avex, and, as such, ELT became a duo, as originally planned.

Since Mitsuru’s departure from the group, ELT continued to release content as a duo and continued to succeed on the charts.