凌晨三點 一個人又失眠
逃離孤單的房間 到超市探險
循環繞圈 人群不斷湧現
曖昧眼神銳利像在狩獵 我們像商品被檢驗


超市夜未眠 寂寞夜未眠
愛再精挑細選眨眼就過 保存的期限
超市夜未眠 天天找新鮮
眼淚鍛鍊雙眼我要看穿 甜蜜的謊言

歡迎體驗 百分之百純粹
琳琅滿目的美好 鮮豔又危險
手機DM 載滿了折價卷
我們追隨著暢銷排行榜 心甘情願笑著被騙


超市夜未眠 寂寞夜未眠
愛再精挑細選眨眼就過 保存的期限
超市夜未眠 天天找新鮮
眼淚鍛鍊雙眼我要看穿 甜蜜的謊言

超市夜未眠 我們被催眠
多少渴望需要天花亂墜 救贖的瞬間
超市夜未眠 虛偽都消滅
別讓誰買走你獨一無二 認證的笑臉

超市夜未眠 寂寞夜未眠
愛再精挑細選眨眼就過 保存的期限
超市夜未眠 天天找新鮮
眼淚鍛鍊雙眼我要看穿 甜蜜的謊言

Jane Huang (黃美珍)

Huáng Měi Zhēn, known as Jane or JANE, was born on January 19, 1983 in Taitung County, Taiwan and is of Puyuma descent.

In 2007, she joined the singing competition One Million Star and placed seventh among the contestants but took popular vote thanks to her fans. A year later, she and fellow One Million Star contestant Yuming Lai debuted in the duo rock band YJ2 or Shén Mù Yǔ Tóng (神木與瞳). The band’s English name is the first letters of Yuming Lai and Jane’s names with the number two, while the band’s Mandarin name means “sacred tree and pupil (of the eye)” but also doubles in meaning – Shén Mù is a type of tree that is grown in Yuming’s hometown and also shares his name, while Yǔ Tóng was Jane’s childhood nickname.

Although Jane still works with Yuming with YJ2, she has also worked a stable solo career and is currently signed to Ascents Media Entertainment after leaving Universal Music Taiwan.