黑夜偷偷降臨 身體那隻幽靈 開始甦醒
漸漸失去理性 一舉 一動
將嬌縱視為人的本性 自以為受到歡迎

別裝病 我們聽得太多無病呻吟
別命令 越說越錯越得不到反應
你不懂反省 患上虛榮的公主病
開始上了癮 活在超現實的環境
發什麼神經 你需要一面照妖鏡
聽不聽 醒不醒 就快 跌進了陷阱... 跌進了陷阱

擦亮那雙眼睛 是你得意忘形 無法看清
就算換了造型 其實 早該
讓自己死了這一顆心 別奢望有人憐憫

別裝病 我們聽得太多無病呻吟
別命令 越說越錯越得不到反應
你不懂反省 患上虛榮的公主病
開始上了癮 活在超現實的環境
發什麼神經 你需要一面照妖鏡
聽不聽 醒不醒 就快 跌進了陷阱... 跌進了陷阱

你病得神志不清 以為誰都會拼命
溫柔背後的血腥 一直 當做隱形
你戒不掉的習性 變得更冥頑不靈
遲早被打回原形 一敗塗地

你不懂反省 患上虛榮的公主病
開始上了癮 活在超現實的環境
發什麼神經 你需要一面照妖鏡
聽不聽 醒不醒 背負一身罪名

你不懂反省 患上虛榮的公主病
開始上了癮 沾沾自喜這種本領
發什麼神經 再沒有人塌地死心
聽不聽 醒不醒 就快 跌進了陷阱... 跌進了陷阱

Jane Huang (黃美珍)

Huáng Měi Zhēn, known as Jane or JANE, was born on January 19, 1983 in Taitung County, Taiwan and is of Puyuma descent.

In 2007, she joined the singing competition One Million Star and placed seventh among the contestants but took popular vote thanks to her fans. A year later, she and fellow One Million Star contestant Yuming Lai debuted in the duo rock band YJ2 or Shén Mù Yǔ Tóng (神木與瞳). The band’s English name is the first letters of Yuming Lai and Jane’s names with the number two, while the band’s Mandarin name means “sacred tree and pupil (of the eye)” but also doubles in meaning – Shén Mù is a type of tree that is grown in Yuming’s hometown and also shares his name, while Yǔ Tóng was Jane’s childhood nickname.

Although Jane still works with Yuming with YJ2, she has also worked a stable solo career and is currently signed to Ascents Media Entertainment after leaving Universal Music Taiwan.