Released: December 25, 2015
[Dialouge : J - JJ Lin, F - Fan Weiren, K - Ken]
K:Yes, where are we going? Where are we going? The beach?
J:The beach, man
F:When was the last time we do was hanging up together then?
K: 12 years been
F: 12 years ah?
K: 12 years
J: 12 years, man
K: But you guys all look the same
J: Romance 've been 12 years. But like…我们……我们这两天,we caught up a lot
F: What? Three times, right?
J: Yeah
F: Once at Ken's studio ha?
K: Yep
F: Once at the show
J: Yeah, man
F: And now, and now
K: And now
J: And now, man
K: Like suddenly it's like 12 years of nothing and suddenly all comes together, right?
J: Yeah
F: Sounds exactly right man
J: Everything just comes back
K: But you know what the thing is it is because we just decided to do it
J: I know
K: Am me right?
J: Exactly
K: Sometimes you think that oh, our way till I'm thirty or way, way I'm to this age now get back together if you're hooked up with the guys like you just gotta do it like display the decision now mate
F: You miss the moment if you like procrastinate or you think too much
J: I know
F: So you just——just would never be doing it
J: That's life. That's life for you?
K: So we gonna jump in the car?
F: Yeah, let's do it
J: Let's do it. ... All right
F: All right
J: Well. 很久没有写歌了噢?
F: Wow, 其实我一路以来都有写。
J: 有在写噢?
F: 对。
J: 很久了,我都已经快12年没见你。
F: 对……对,就是12年……12年前。
J: 对啊,是。
F: 然后在民歌餐厅唱歌的时候,(J:是啊。
J: 对啊。
F: 那个时候真的是很苦噢。
J: 一个晚上30块。
F: 很苦噢。
J: 嗯,但就是……其实不会觉得苦诶。
F: 就很开心。
J: 很快乐。
F: 因为一起做音乐啊。
J: 对啊。
F: 然后我们就一起努力一起写歌,然后那时候你是负责写曲嘛。
J: 对啊。
F: 然后我就帮你填词。
J: 嗯。
F: 不过,就是每次我填的词,寄去唱片公司的时候都没有被选中。
J: 呵呵。
F: 那个时候真的是……哎呀,一把鼻涕一把眼泪。
J: 是啊。
F: 都不懂,很焦……很焦……很焦急。
J: 是……是,老师们都比较……比较苛刻一些。
F: 是,是。
J: 都比较希望我们可以再……再努力。
F: 再努力。
J: 对啊。
F: 不过那个……那个时候就说了一些比较……好像固执跟比较……比较幼稚的话。
J: 嗯。
F: 我就跟你说:哎,每次我们写歌、一起合作,就是你的曲被选中,我的词没有被选中,(J: 嗯,)我不能够再浪费我那个时候我的灵感。
J: 哈哈……
F: 我不能够……我不能够放弃跟……跟失去掉这些浪费掉的灵感。
J: 没有,我就觉得,就是很多……很多时候都会有很多原因让我们找借口,或者是也……找个理由说,啊,我可能要再找一些别的事情做。
F: 不过其实因为这句话……就是因为这句话的原因,这12年来,我都没有放弃写过歌。
J: 哈哈哈。
F: 然后跟你说声道歉,说那个时候真是太固执太幼稚了。
J: 没有啦。
F: 所以,12年来也没有变道?
J: 没有,我真的很想念那时候的我们。
F: 是,我也非常怀念。
J: 真的就是……
F: 真的非常怀念。
J: 每天都在练歌,每天都在选新的歌。
F: And to be honest, I think Ken... Ken is the.. the connector
J: I know, man, Ken. Thanks, man. If you never called me, if you have never prayed for me, I think we will never be here today. We wouldn't, we wouldn't be here because I would always think that, oh, my friends in Singapore, they are back in Singapore, they, they don't know the 'ME' anymore. Know? They… we've lost contact. I always feel a little guilty for not coming back and chill like keep in contact and chilling
K: Yeah
J: You know, it's like I've alway-always thought from you guys' perspective about me like
K: Yeah
J: I always been afraid like, oh, they must be thinking, ah, I've changed. (K: Yeah. ) They must be thinking I'm different now with my, my job, with my, (K: Yeah. ) my schedule as you know. Yeah, you know, some of them, definitely, some of, some of the friends are, (K: Yeah. ) you know, a little angry at, even at me, like, for not keeping contact with them
F: See. I, I, I do the show, ah, like once, every third Saturday of August, right? And, and Wayne and Ken, you were, you were my first season guest, guest performer, right? And it's been there rain and shine, every third Saturday of August. 每逢……呃……就是第三个……八月的第三个周末,我会风雨不改地做场演唱会。
J: Praised
F: Yeah, praised, man
J: Yeah
K: Wow Ben, and the world
F: 就是……呃……这十二年来我们没有……我们没有见面,对吗?我们每年都有做,(J: 对啊。
)风雨不改每年都做,(J: 对。
J: 你没有忘记啊?
F: 就是每次……做这个表演的时候,我都会唱这首我们写的歌。
J: 怎么唱啊?怎么唱?你弹弹看。
F: 弹弹看?
J: 弹弹看。
F: 记不记得,那个调这样子:“请不要再说,你越说越错……”记得吗?“已经……已经没有话好说……”
J: 啊……
F: 记得吗?
J: 再一次,再一次,再一次,来……
K:Yes, where are we going? Where are we going? The beach?
J:The beach, man
F:When was the last time we do was hanging up together then?
K: 12 years been
F: 12 years ah?
K: 12 years
J: 12 years, man
K: But you guys all look the same
J: Romance 've been 12 years. But like…我们……我们这两天,we caught up a lot
F: What? Three times, right?
J: Yeah
F: Once at Ken's studio ha?
K: Yep
F: Once at the show
J: Yeah, man
F: And now, and now
K: And now
J: And now, man
K: Like suddenly it's like 12 years of nothing and suddenly all comes together, right?
J: Yeah
F: Sounds exactly right man
J: Everything just comes back
K: But you know what the thing is it is because we just decided to do it
J: I know
K: Am me right?
J: Exactly
K: Sometimes you think that oh, our way till I'm thirty or way, way I'm to this age now get back together if you're hooked up with the guys like you just gotta do it like display the decision now mate
F: You miss the moment if you like procrastinate or you think too much
J: I know
F: So you just——just would never be doing it
J: That's life. That's life for you?
K: So we gonna jump in the car?
F: Yeah, let's do it
J: Let's do it. ... All right
F: All right
J: Well. 很久没有写歌了噢?
F: Wow, 其实我一路以来都有写。
J: 有在写噢?
F: 对。
J: 很久了,我都已经快12年没见你。
F: 对……对,就是12年……12年前。
J: 对啊,是。
F: 然后在民歌餐厅唱歌的时候,(J:是啊。
J: 对啊。
F: 那个时候真的是很苦噢。
J: 一个晚上30块。
F: 很苦噢。
J: 嗯,但就是……其实不会觉得苦诶。
F: 就很开心。
J: 很快乐。
F: 因为一起做音乐啊。
J: 对啊。
F: 然后我们就一起努力一起写歌,然后那时候你是负责写曲嘛。
J: 对啊。
F: 然后我就帮你填词。
J: 嗯。
F: 不过,就是每次我填的词,寄去唱片公司的时候都没有被选中。
J: 呵呵。
F: 那个时候真的是……哎呀,一把鼻涕一把眼泪。
J: 是啊。
F: 都不懂,很焦……很焦……很焦急。
J: 是……是,老师们都比较……比较苛刻一些。
F: 是,是。
J: 都比较希望我们可以再……再努力。
F: 再努力。
J: 对啊。
F: 不过那个……那个时候就说了一些比较……好像固执跟比较……比较幼稚的话。
J: 嗯。
F: 我就跟你说:哎,每次我们写歌、一起合作,就是你的曲被选中,我的词没有被选中,(J: 嗯,)我不能够再浪费我那个时候我的灵感。
J: 哈哈……
F: 我不能够……我不能够放弃跟……跟失去掉这些浪费掉的灵感。
J: 没有,我就觉得,就是很多……很多时候都会有很多原因让我们找借口,或者是也……找个理由说,啊,我可能要再找一些别的事情做。
F: 不过其实因为这句话……就是因为这句话的原因,这12年来,我都没有放弃写过歌。
J: 哈哈哈。
F: 然后跟你说声道歉,说那个时候真是太固执太幼稚了。
J: 没有啦。
F: 所以,12年来也没有变道?
J: 没有,我真的很想念那时候的我们。
F: 是,我也非常怀念。
J: 真的就是……
F: 真的非常怀念。
J: 每天都在练歌,每天都在选新的歌。
F: And to be honest, I think Ken... Ken is the.. the connector
J: I know, man, Ken. Thanks, man. If you never called me, if you have never prayed for me, I think we will never be here today. We wouldn't, we wouldn't be here because I would always think that, oh, my friends in Singapore, they are back in Singapore, they, they don't know the 'ME' anymore. Know? They… we've lost contact. I always feel a little guilty for not coming back and chill like keep in contact and chilling
K: Yeah
J: You know, it's like I've alway-always thought from you guys' perspective about me like
K: Yeah
J: I always been afraid like, oh, they must be thinking, ah, I've changed. (K: Yeah. ) They must be thinking I'm different now with my, my job, with my, (K: Yeah. ) my schedule as you know. Yeah, you know, some of them, definitely, some of, some of the friends are, (K: Yeah. ) you know, a little angry at, even at me, like, for not keeping contact with them
F: See. I, I, I do the show, ah, like once, every third Saturday of August, right? And, and Wayne and Ken, you were, you were my first season guest, guest performer, right? And it's been there rain and shine, every third Saturday of August. 每逢……呃……就是第三个……八月的第三个周末,我会风雨不改地做场演唱会。
J: Praised
F: Yeah, praised, man
J: Yeah
K: Wow Ben, and the world
F: 就是……呃……这十二年来我们没有……我们没有见面,对吗?我们每年都有做,(J: 对啊。
)风雨不改每年都做,(J: 对。
J: 你没有忘记啊?
F: 就是每次……做这个表演的时候,我都会唱这首我们写的歌。
J: 怎么唱啊?怎么唱?你弹弹看。
F: 弹弹看?
J: 弹弹看。
F: 记不记得,那个调这样子:“请不要再说,你越说越错……”记得吗?“已经……已经没有话好说……”
J: 啊……
F: 记得吗?
J: 再一次,再一次,再一次,来……
more tracks from the album
和自己对话 (From M.E To Myself)
- 序曲 : 调音 (Overture : Tuning)
- 你, 有没有过 (Roll On)
- 序曲 : 海边 终 (Overture : Beach Departure)
- 独舞 (The Lone Ranger)
- Lier And Accuser
- 序曲 : 海边 初 (Overture : Beach Arrival)
- 现在的我和她 (No Longer Us)
- 序曲 : 12年前 (Overture : 12 Years Ago)
- 你 有沒有過 - Livehouse版 (Roll On - Livehouse Version)
- Too Bad
- Overture : Welcome To The Livehouse
- 有梦不难 (Adolescent)
- 弹唱 (A Song For You Till The End Of Time)
- 只要有你的地方 - 晚安版 (By Your Side - Bedtime Version)
- 关键词 (The Key)
- 序曲 : 中场休息 (Overture : Intermission)
- 不为谁而作的歌 (Twilight)
- 只要有你的地方 (By Your Side)
From the album
- 和自己对话 (From M.E To Myself) (2015)
JJ Lin (林俊傑) popular songs
- 修煉愛情 (Practice Love)
- 她说 (She Said)
- Bedroom
- Lose Control
- 她说 (She Says)
- Until The Day
- If Only... (可惜沒如果)
- 對的時間點 (The Right Time)
- 聖所 (Sanctuary)
- 偉大的渺小 (Little Big Us)
- 穿越 (Stay)
- 四點四十四 (Shadows)
- 我繼續 (Eagle’s Eye)
- 剪雲者 (Paper Clouds)
- 黑夜問白天 (53 Dawns)
- 丹寧執著 (Own The Day)
- 身為風帆 (Destiny)
- 小瓶子 (Message In A Bottle)
- 20180411-1.偉大的渺小
- Flashback (回) - Intro
- Brave New World (新地球)
- The Gardens (水仙)
- The Romantic (浪漫血液)
- Black Keys (黑键)