為何事事沒心機 怎會句句亦嘆氣
無論吃盡美點 再好也覺得無味

為何日日受不起 同伴也話我應該爭氣
還強調 要有寄託在上班 不相戀哪會死
直到終於決意一鼓作氣 環遊北歐轉換場地
回望錄影卻也沒你 我再記起

如若註定你是我的一半 給我他人亦不喜歡
掛念你 心中的一位哪可 替換
其實註定我是你的一半 等你歸來 其他不管
缺乏你 憂鬱都充塞了血管

明明昨日在身邊 何事要在今天不相見
最痛苦 與你快到達沸點 一失足到冰點
恨我出走 也要唉聲嘆氣 沿途風光好得要死
無奈未可以震憾你 如何回味

如若註定你是我的一半 給我他人亦不喜歡
掛念你 心中的一位哪可 替換
其實註定我是你的一半 等你歸來 其他不管
愛定你 一生必須給你托管

如若註定你是我的一半 給我他人亦不喜歡
掛念你 肯花光青春與你 交換
其實註定我是你的一半 只要一齊 其他都不管
缺乏你 心中的空隙太過寬

Linda Chung 鍾嘉欣

Linda Chung Ka-yan (鍾嘉欣) was born on April 9, 1984, in Maple, Canada, but grew up and was raised in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada with an older brother and sister.

In 2002, she won the title of Miss Crystal Cover Girl at a beauty contest held annually by Crystal Mall located in an Asian shopping center in Metrotown, Burnaby. The next year, she would go on to win the title of Miss Chinese Vancouver (with three other awards from the event). Miss Chinese Vancouver also allowed her to participate in Miss Chinese International Pageant 2004, held in Hong Kong, which she also won.

In 2004, Linda signed a contract with TVB and would make her acting debut in the modern spinoff of “Virtues of Harmony” called “Virtues of Harmony II”. The show put her on the spotlight and thrusted her into fame in China, which would lead her to awards and accolades, as well as many more roles in the years to come.