Cuando lo estaba queriendo
Cuando lo estaba sintiendo
Todito mío lo vi partir
Me juró que regresaba
Pero todo era mentira
Porque ya su alma no era de mí

En la noche silenciosa
Nos miramos
Frente a frente, sin hablar
Cuando me dijo de pronto
Que olvidara su cariño
Que no me queria engañar

Fué bajo del crucifijo
De la torre de una iglesia
Cuando la luna nos albumbró
Yo lo estreché entre mis brazos
Con ganas de detenerlo
Pero el orgullo me lo impidió

Ya sola frente a la iglesia
Y llorando
Ante el Cristo... fui a implorar
Al contemplar mi tristeza
El crucifijo de piedra
También se puso a llorar

Linda Ronstadt

A multiplatinum-selling recording artist and a true icon in American music, Linda Ronstadt redefined folk rock with her diverse fusion in genres and powerful vocals.

She was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in April 2014 and has earned a wide range of nominations, spanning from a Tony Award and a Golden Globe Award. She has charted 38 Billboard Hot 100 singles with 21 of them reaching the top 40. Having collaborated with several artists in many genres, Ronstadt has lent her vocals to over 120 albums and has sold more than 100 million records.

Her last live concert in 2009, marked the end of her career when she retired in 2011, after being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease and unable to perform.