我是428號宇宙傘兵 派駐這地殼 看住這星
報告總司令 報告總司令 大軍應該冷靜
我奉了命以六百日看清 看清這裡 秘密地形
今天決定 無用殺戮而取勝

要是母艦決定馬上派兵 你會炸掉了最笨那星
平凡的生命 無聊的生命 或者真的過剩
要是當做廢物那樣殺清 來年沒有餘興
留下看人類 笑和淚 也算有趣事情

這個地球 像你 所想荒謬
住滿低等的智慧 和異獸之後
穿得暖 吃得夠 但全球仍然悶透
有人有人研究 新衣著 舊美酒

攻佔地球 易過 捲起衣袖
真心當我好友 比賽之際回復做對手
浪漫又矛盾 但在月球裡 沒有

結伴看著世上最爛笑片 再到處亂逛 拍下照片
閒來通通電 吃個好杯麵 就得這些片段
困在血肉裡面這六百天 重提尚帶微暖
難道我懷念 太懷念 抗拒再被殖上晶片

這個地球 像你 所想荒謬
住滿低等的智慧 和異獸之後
穿得暖 吃得夠 但全球仍然悶透
有人有人研究 新衣著 舊美酒

不要 定案 全部戰艦撤走
給我 時間 巡視再多兩周

攻佔地球 易過 捲起衣袖
真心當我好友 比賽之際回復做對手
浪漫又矛盾 但在月球裡 沒有
魅力沒人有 就是地球客 獨有

Pakho Chau 周柏豪

Pakho Chau was born November 12, 1984 in Hong Kong and is a Cantopop singer who debuted at Warner Music Hong Kong in 2007 with the EP Beginning.

Pakho always had an interest in music, learning to play the piano at age five as well as the guitar later on. He would then discover his talent in songwriting. Because of his unpaid training under Chan Kwong-Wing (陳光榮) as a sound technician, he learned how to produce songs, which would later help him produce his own.

Besides being a singer-songwriter, Pakho has also modeled, been a basketball player, had a job as a lifeguard, and a piano teacher and has also acted in many films and television shows since 2007 (his first role was as the Cantonese voice actor for the Gingerbread Man in the Shrek franchise).