當天 家裡一顆 陌生的心跳動
輕輕的擺尾搖出了 童夢
高低 一撲一跳 無需要說話內容
卻教我懂得 卸下沉重

收起 天性的爪 贈我暖暖抱擁
抑鬱驚恐陪著一起 過冬
直到那天很痛 連扒玩具也力無從
離開世界 如果兩眼很重

我未似從前幼稚 我在找天生意義
這是你彌留半夜時 從你眼中的光講我知
性命再無常脆弱 也獨有一種大意

天空 想刮風雨 極樂有這場景吧
本該一早已盤於我 身下
外界也許可怕 誰曾命令我不要怕
成長太快 離開更快知嗎

我未似從前幼稚 我在找天生意義
這是你彌留半夜時 從你眼中的光講我知
性命再無常脆弱 也獨有一種大意

我望向人群以上 某道星光很漂亮
歲月旅途除了荒涼 還是有太多事可拍掌
要令我愛人微笑著 要令朋友痛快一場
這是你完成使命時 我所想

Pakho Chau 周柏豪

Pakho Chau was born November 12, 1984 in Hong Kong and is a Cantopop singer who debuted at Warner Music Hong Kong in 2007 with the EP Beginning.

Pakho always had an interest in music, learning to play the piano at age five as well as the guitar later on. He would then discover his talent in songwriting. Because of his unpaid training under Chan Kwong-Wing (陳光榮) as a sound technician, he learned how to produce songs, which would later help him produce his own.

Besides being a singer-songwriter, Pakho has also modeled, been a basketball player, had a job as a lifeguard, and a piano teacher and has also acted in many films and television shows since 2007 (his first role was as the Cantonese voice actor for the Gingerbread Man in the Shrek franchise).