Released: December 19, 2014

Songwriter: Taco Hemingway

Producer: Rumak

Perhaps the most interesting thing about this whole affair is the gastronomic world. Waiters, bosses, gods of night and day, big and small, in the bar and in cocktail bar, in the bar, and behind the scenes

The first thing to go is (my) sense of rhythm
But I'm thinking: "Hey, maybe something good will come out of it "
Then I'm thinking: "Christ, why do I have to be here"
But third tequila bottle kills the sense of shame
The parquet palled on everyone I don't have to hide it anymore
That alcohol is dancing with me, waltz after waltz
First we dance tango, then something inspired by the samba
I'm spinning down the Karowa to go back up along Tamka
I'm peering at teenagers. Before they used to go out rarely
Now they fell into this city swamp and keep lying to their mothers
Naked legs wearing high heels, I wonder what daddy says
I crossed the road on a red light, I get a ticket. Awesome
It will suck in the morning, now I don't give a shit
The truth is, I haven't gone out for so long...
I go back to Krakowskie and fall, I don't know what I fell on
All I hear is laugh of these girls stupid and fat just like
Grzegorz Lato

And nearby at Zakąski behind the bar Mr. Roman boogies and jumps into conversations
And nearby at Kamienie all husbands are gone so thatch widows give each other wet kisses
And nearby at Bistro, loves tend to bind quickly and trail away the next day
Warsaw triangle. Warsaw triangle

To get your ass kicked at Subway at Swietokrzyska
First of all in Warsaw you have to be an athlete
Talking with this brain-chopped bouncer went down to nothing
I won't go back to Karowa today tho'. What a cheek
I go out on a street and go down to Powisle
And I wade through this winding road, my phone is beeping loudly
I'm losing my patience and health 'cause the ginger girl is calling
And when she gets at me I'll pretend that I can't hear her again
I go straight forward and pass the BUW
My phone is yelling at me, I can see she's texting again
(I guess) I'll hail a cab. I've already spent a few hundred
(Like 3) I'm still going and I can smell Vistula's filth
Cigs, urine, vodka and sweat. It's a strange stench
And on the other side of Vistula there are other folks prowling
A true dream, we're fit, yoghurts and mead
And they don't fool around and the cig is smouldering
Warsaw, torn apart by a thick line
I'm closing cab's door. "To Mazowiecka, please"
The driver's prattling on about his poor life
But all I can hear is the laugh of the stupid and fat ones like Tomaszewski

And nearby at Zakąski behind the bar Mr. Roman boogies and jumps into conversations
And nearby at Kamienie all husbands are gone so thatch widows give each other wet kisses
And nearby at Bistro, loves tend to bind quickly and trail away the next day
Warsaw triangle. Warsaw triangle

Warsaw triangle. Bermuda triangle
Girls go backwards and the nipples go in front of them
Boys seem to forget how short their lives are
Ernest was right. Take off these skinnies first
Drink some vodka. 4 PLN for a shot
Don't call your friend. She won't help you today
It's adulthood, you've wanted it since elementary school, huh?
I prefer Zozole. Whatever, fuck me, come on
She lives near my place so I'll go to Kredytowa* with her
A guy is staring at us with quite a vicious sight
I'd like a minute of silence, she just keeps talking
That girl just keeps texting, Christ, what is it for?
I'm Peter but they call me a Scoundrel
I've had this alias for quite a while, but I don't know why
(You'll find it) Wherever you can smell perfumes and cigs
And in the girls' hearts still the lights were going off, and power was being cut (Cool, huh?)
That's my line of thought. Do you wanna fuck?
I'm not saying it out loud 'cause it would be too radical
"You can come in for a while but don't await anything"
And I'm going to overstay like Michal Listkiewicz

PZPN, PZPN. Fuck, fuck PZPN
PZPN, PZPN. Fuck, fuck PZPN
PZPN, PZPN. Fuck, fuck PZPN
PZPN, PZPN. Fuck, fuck PZPN

And nearby at Zakąski behind the bar Mr. Roman boogies and jumps into conversations
And nearby at Kamienie all husbands are gone so thatch widows give each other wet kisses
And nearby at Bistro, loves tend to bind quickly and trail away the next day
Warsaw triangle. Warsaw triangle

Taco Hemingway

Filip Tadeusz Szcześniak (ur. 29 lipca 1990 roku w Kairze), znany też jako Taco Hemingway lub Fifi to polski raper, autor tekstów, muzyk oraz laureat trzech Fryderyków, uznawany także za najpopularniejszego MC w naszym kraju w drugiej dekadzie XXI w. Ukończył on liceum im. Mikołaja Kopernika, oraz Kulturoznawstwo na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim. W 2012 roku podjął również studia magisterskie na wydziale antropologii Uniwersytetu Londyńskiego.

Swoją karierę muzyczną Szcześniak rozpoczął już w 2011 roku wydając dokładniej w sierpniu swój pierwszy mixtape, Who Killed JFK? pod pseudonimem Foodvillain (lub też FV). Po przyjęciu swojego obecnego pseudonimu scenicznego raper wypuścił pod koniec 2013 roku swoją debiutancką EP-kę, Young Hems w języku angielskim, jednakże rok później rozgłos przyniósł mu drugi minialbum zawierający utwory w języku ojczystym, Trójkąt warszawski. Projekt, opisany jako “album koncepcyjny”, przedstawiający historię bohatera szukającego tropów po swojej ex i jej nowej, drugiej połówce, Piotrze znalazł się w pierwszej trójce notowania OLiS, pokrył się on złotą płytą za sprzedaż na poziomie 15 tys. kopii, zdobył pozytywne opinie od krytyków, a także jest do dziś nazywany tzw. magnum opus w karierze rapera.

Ciepło przyjęto również trzeci materiał Hemingwaya z 2015 roku, Umowa o dzieło z której pochodzą faworyty jego fanów, tj. “6 zer” czy “Następna stacja”, a także został zwycięzcą Fryderyka za najlepszy album hip-hop. Czwarta EP-ka, WOSK zwiastowała jego debiutancki album studyjny, Marmur, wypuszczony na rynek na początku listopada 2016 roku.