Jade Bird

Jade E. Bird, Jade Elizabeth Bird

1 songs

Listening to the country-folk acoustic tone and stripped-down soul of Jade Bird’s voice, you’d expect her natural raw talent to be inherited, but her musical background is anything but.

Born into a military family, she had a wild childhood, constantly moving around to different military bases – but nothing as wild as her “proper rave head” parents’s love for EDM. So how did the British singer-songwriter find country and the blues? The influence of strong working women.

After the divorce of her parents, she settled in South Wales with her mother and grandmother, who were the foundation of empowerment in her early life. Then as she grew up, her female role models expanded to the artists in the music subcultures she was obsessed Loretta Lynn and Patti Smith. Influenced by her two pillars of music inspiration, Jade took her own path at the tender age of 12 – learning guitar and transforming her own experiences into art through songwriting.