Released: November 26, 2013

Featuring: Jason Chen

Songwriter: Jason Chen

Producer: Jason Chen

I´ve always been, a man with a plan. Always prepared, Never one, to leave it to chance. But it´s all unscripted when I´m with you, it all seems familiar, yet it all feels so new. Then all of a sudden I miss you, thinking about all the things that we´ve been through. Oh no it´s not that I planned to, but I think it feels like maybe I´m falling for You and Me. Just don´t know where we ever meant to be. And suddenly you caught me so off guard we fell in love so Unexpectedly
I´ve known you for five years and a day. I never thought I´d have these words to say. I wanna hold you and kiss you, Until the end of time and when your out of sight, oh. All of a sudden I miss you, thinking about all the things that we´ve been through. Oh no, it´s not that I planned to, but I think it feels like maybe Iḿ falling for, You and me. I just don´t know where we ever meant to be, and suddenly you caught me so off guard we fell in love so Unexpectedly
And now I see the one I was searching for was right here all along. Now I see I see you standing right in front of me. The one I was searching for was right here all along how did we, we fal in love so Unexpectedly. You and me. Just don´t know where we ever meant to be. And suddenly you caught me so off guard, we fell in love so Unexpectedly

陳柏宇 (Jason Chan)

陳柏宇(Jason Chan,1983年7月20日-),本名陳廣偉,香港著名男歌手,香港出生,在加拿大長大。他於萬錦市就讀馬克維爾高級中學(Markville Secondary School),後入讀阿爾伯特坎貝爾中學(Albert Campbell Collegiate Institute)。畢業後到加拿大聖力嘉學院(Seneca College)修讀社會工作文憑。

陳柏宇為索尼音樂娛樂香港旗下藝人。於2006年憑《固執》一曲正式出道,並在2007年5月3日正式推出首張個人大碟《First Experience》,當中起用五大監製雷頌德、金培達、陳光榮、陳少琪、陳奐仁製作,在市場造成迴響。 更於2007年12月17日舉行首個個人音樂會。而在同年的頒獎典禮,他分別在新城勁爆頒獎禮及十大中文金曲頒獎音樂會奪得新人王的殊榮。
