千古的罪人 萬世的明燈
Qian gu de zui ren wan shi de ming deng
天地間烽火馳騁 功過誰來論
Tian di jian feng huo chi cheng gong guo shui lai lun

是我太過天真 埋下禍根
Shi wo tai guo tian zhen mai xia huo gen
婦人之仁 其實更殘忍
Fu ren zhi ren ji shi geng can ren
遍尋法門 只為補天下的傷痕
Bian xun fa men zhi wei bu tian xia de shang hen

我問自己 什麼是善人 什麼是惡人
Wo wen zi ji shen me shi shan ren shen me shi e ren
Shen me cai bu shi zai luan shi chen lun
什麼英雄豪傑 不都在苦海裡浮沈
Shen me ying xiong hao jie bu dou zai ku hai li fu chen

難道是我 放不下眾生 才奮不顧身
Nan dao shi wo fang bu xia zhong sheng cai fen bu gu shen
墜入紅塵 刀劍爭論
Zhui ru hong chen dao jian zheng lun
解救蒼生 要捨棄多少靈魂
Jie jiu cang sheng yao she qi duo shao ling hun

命運是定論 相逢是緣分
Ming yun shi ding lun xiang feng shi yuan fen
鏡子裡歲月橫亙 何時天下盛
Jing zi li sui yue heng geng he shi tian xia sheng

Repeat *

Repeat **

Repeat ***

Repeat **

Repeat ***

解救蒼生 要捨棄多少靈魂
Jie jiu cang sheng yao she qi duo shao ling hun

William Wei (韦礼安)

William Wei first rose to fame after winning the Taiwanese singing competition show “Happy Sunday.” However, instead of taking home the grand prize and signing with a label, he put off his music career for two years. In those two years, he continued to post his music on the platform Street Voice and eventually wrote for prominent artists at the time.

In March 2009, he finally released his debut EP titled Slowly Wait (慢慢等). He has since released many albums that have topped charts and hailed as industry successes.