(How to Annotate This Text)

The real hammer isn’t coming to crush you until you start working a full-time job, paying off an infinite mortgage, and revolving your life around the whims of your young children. The hammer being swung at your face now can still hurt though, if you aren’t prepared for it at all. This chapter will detail the changes in habits and lifestyle you are about to undertake, as well as experiences you should expect to have… If you aren’t having them, you need to make an effort to go out and make them happen.

Living on Your Own

Now that you’re living on your own, it’s time to take some responsibility (pfffff hahaha!). But seriously, it’s time to make your own rules. Unless you’re a thinker, it’s time to experiment and learn through trial-and-error… also known as, the hard way.

Your sleeping schedule will be fucked up. Even if you try to sleep normally, there will be other people around who will seemingly make it their job to prevent that from happening. Noise-canceling headphones will be a brilliant investment for those who wish to sleep soundly at night.

The first thing you’ll do is pick out furniture for your apartment or dorm room (if it’s not furnished). Don’t go for looks. Everything will be broken or stained anyway. You’ll likely be able to afford better furniture by the time you move into a real place of your own after graduation, so don’t count on these purchases being long-term; shop at second-hand stores, Craigslist, or yard sales. The only good thing you need is a bed. You also get to decorate your place too. Finally, you can put up all those posters your mom hates.
Once a fridge is secured, it’s time to stockpile as much pizza, candy, and beverages of choice as your budget allows. There are no such things as meals in college. Just pit stops. Buy things that cook easy and clean up easier. Unless you solely decide to be the one who does all the chores, get used to many dirty dishes. Be sure to buy paper plates, paper towels, plastic cups, and the “Do we really need all this?” jumbo-pack of toilet paper.

You’ll probably have roommates. It’s really the luck of the draw if you’ll have a good experience or not. Everyone will have something you won’t like about them that you’ll just have to learn to put up with. Quickly discuss what the house rules should be, and leave nothing assumed. People are all raised differently, and some not at all. If there are conflicts, meet in the middle and compromise (such as what time the house should be quiet, or if/when guests can stay overnight). Personal conflict management is the most important thing you can learn in college. Most conflicts can be resolved if everyone involved considers the following: don’t be selfish, see things from the other person’s point of view, and realize this issue is not as important as the greater good of not living in a tense environment. If that is truly tried and doesn’t work, the conflict might only get resolved by someone moving out. When that’s not possible, you’re in for a world of hell. You might as well be living at home again. Ugh…

Role of a Roommate

Just take out the damn trash once in awhile. If you can’t find a common time to clean the house, take it upon yourself once every two weeks to sweep the floors of the common areas and wipe down the countertops. Clean the bathroom you use once a month, even if you share it with someone else. The more you keep something clean, the easier and faster cleaning goes when you do it. Make paying your rent on time your first priority.

If you’re going to be short, try to borrow some money from your family. If that’s not an option, at least tell your roommates as soon as you realize this so they have a chance to save up and cover you temporarily.

When people are asleep, don’t be loud. Don’t talk loud, don’t watch TV loud, don’t do shit that might wake them up. It doesn’t matter what time of day it is or where they are asleep. Have some damn sense. We covered this already, but it bears repeating.

Wash the dishes when you’re done using them. Don’t wait until morning. Don’t wait until later. Having guests over is not an excuse, nor is being drunk. Just hurry up. Be sure to clean up after your guests as well. It’s your responsibility to make sure they respect the house, and clean/fix anything they mess up or break.

Change in Habits

A lot of your time will be spent taking care of things you own, especially now that you’ll have to start paying for them. The growth of mass production has resulted in it being less expensive to buy something new than to get something old repaired (at least when it comes to electronics). Most things, such as your house, your car, and major accessories (carpets, windows, bed sets, computers, etc.) will last a lot longer if maintained properly. While it sucks that all things apparently erode for reasons unknown, and dusting is annoying as all hell, procrastinating only makes it worse. So get your oil changed, scan your hard drives with MalwareBytes, vacuum your carpet, wash your sheets, and do your laundry before it piles up. I guess you could get your homework and projects done early too, if you want to be fanatical about it. Oh, and feed your cats. They’ll thank you by not dying, each day you do.

Now is where the government comes in. You have to register for the selective service. Any male from 18-25 is required to sign up for the draft, should it ever be voted back into effect. Also, you have to save your paycheck stubs and receipts now. Make a special place to keep them where they won’t get destroyed. Keeping track of all your purchases can save you money when it’s time to do your taxes in the spring. You’ll get a W-2 form from your employer every January that details how much money you earned and how much money was taken out of your checks for taxes and other purposes. Filing your taxes on a W-2 form is very easy these days and can be done over the phone through an automated system in 15 minutes. It’s not as big a deal as it seems. If you work as an independent contractor or self-employed businessman, you’ll have something called a 1099 form, where you have to claim all the money you earned and then, using your receipts, claim certain deductions for various things (you’d be surprised what kinds of random crap people can claim as a business expense). At this point in your life, you should only need to save about 15% (on the very high side) of 1099 income that may end up having to be paid to the government. Likely, you won’t make enough money per year (if it’s part-time work) to be taxed at all. Even still, you must file, and W-2 taxes that were taken out will be returned to you. You can also register to vote and what not. For city and state laws, you might actually have some say. For politicians, the presidency, and American Idol, well… it’s just for show. If you do or you don’t, don’t take any of it seriously. This country was bought and sold a long time ago and you have to start punching holes in heads, not holes in cards, if anything will ever amount to the real democracy and freedom we’re told we have.

Three Helpful Ideas

Idea #1: Don’t be afraid to change your mind.

As sad as it is, a lot of people complete their four-year degree and start working, only to be completely fed up within the first year. Some quit and go back to school again, while others can’t bear the failure and would rather be miserable 40 hours a week for the next 40 years. But that’s only a select stubborn few. It’s very common for a person to change his or her major. People start practicing what always sounded like fun, only to realize it’s really not. This is crushing to some people, as they spent their whole life up to this point wanting this, only to find out they don’t like it. It might happen to you too. A person was wrong throughout their most unwise and ignorant period of life; so what? Parents rarely nurture their kids so well that they’re ready to fulfill their true potential right out of high school. It’s really not a big deal. That does not mean there is nothing out there now. Should you or someone you know fall into this rut, take some completely random classes at a community college, with the goal of receiving experience, not necessarily useful credits. Once you find the one career path you’re really going to be satisfied with, master it. To be a professional at anything, you must be better at it than anyone who does it as a hobby, and better at it than some other professionals too. The key to a good career is mastering your craft. But being good at what you do isn’t always enough, especially in highly competitive fields like photography, web design, or other careers where the focus is solely on your talent.

Idea #2: Unless you’re valedictorian, your grades aren’t worth a fuck.

Grades don’t matter when it comes to getting a job. Grades matter to family and to scholastic institutions that award grants and scholarships. Earn them with the understanding that they are a key, but not a trophy. Furthermore, don’t prioritize them over gaining life and social experience. When you get into the job world, you will see a lot of middle management-type figures who are still young, but lack a lot of social skills and are rather unhappy. They thought success was the key to happiness, but they worked too hard at school and business to learn how to enjoy the finer things in life (laughing, hot sex, Tool concerts, road trips, art films, etc.). What must go through their minds is, “If only someone would’ve told me.” Consider yourself told. The difference between a 90 and 100 is missed-out-on fun (or sleep). Unless you’re truly the best-of-the-best, striving for academic achievements will only hold you back. Once this life stage is over, they won’t matter at all in your personal or professional life. The degree itself is what makes the money.

Some people would rather sit inside and study to get an extra three percent on their assignment. Unless you really need it, why would anyone do that? Nobody told them there was more to life than campus Coke. Don’t accept familiarity as a good reason to continue accepting something. A lot of people stay in abusive relationships simply because they are comfortable, in a strange way. Even good friends must come and go sometimes. There will be much loss during this transition, but you’re better off spending your time looking for what else there is to gain than trying to hang onto the past.

Idea #3: Nothing stays the same.

Someone once said, “There are no happy endings. If people were happy with how things were, it wouldn’t come to an end.” Just when you’ve done enough thinking and changing and put in enough work to make your life feel great, something unseen will come along and screw everything up. The biggest growth you can accomplish is to feel okay with what you are not in control of, even during the down times.

School Itself

Whether you were popular in high school or not, college is a clean slate, with different priorities and rules. If you enjoyed high school dances and going to support your school’s teams, you still can. For those who don’t care about that stuff, you won’t be punished for having different interests this time. College is a big buffet of choices. Available to you are all different kinds of people, experiences, and things to learn about. Everything has its own niche. You will have to experiment and decide what is right for you. There will be no shortage of offers and opportunities to try new things.

Inside the classroom, your mind will be challenged. You will be required to take up critical thinking and form opinions on real issues going on in the world. But outside of the classroom, there will be many different illusions of reality taking place. An “illusion of reality” is any specialized social construct, such as a sub-culture, a clique, religious organization, or fraternity. College is the first experience of freedom for many of us, and these illusions are the fantasy worlds, formed as guesses to what the founders either think real life is, or what they think real life is supposed to be.

After high school is out, the popularity contests are severely reduced (except for student politics). College is a different type of social order. You might be familiar with a few people you know already. However, the vast majority of people will be new. A college is a journey of fresh starts and new chances, as social circles are retooled and refined. Some circles already exist, in the many different forms of illusions mentioned above. Others, you’ll just see always sitting under the same tree or filling the cafeteria all the time. A college campus is also much different than high school. It’s actually nice. There are no fences, dress codes, or hall monitors to make it feel like a prison. There are no bells to remind you when class starts and ends. When your classes are over, you won’t have to go home. There is a lot that can be done around campus.

The way education is set up is much different than a public grade school. You sit where you like and nobody really cares if you’re late. Or absent. If your cell phone rings, you can walk out of class to answer it. Instead of being asked to copy information out of a book, you will be asked to come up with your own opinions, conclusions, and analyses based on what you research and read. You will have to know how to take notes and pick out what you need to remember. You will be required to apply critical thinking in order to learn about your subjects, form opinions, and support your arguments clearly.

A syllabus is given out at the beginning of each class, with strict guidelines to follow. However, some professors are more lenient and will permit you to make up tests even if the syllabus says you aren’t allowed. A lot of professors will offer extra credit, or allow you to propose an extra credit project to them on your own. Professors are generally happy people, and want you to succeed. However, there are a few that follow their syllabus to the letter, and make exceptions for no one. They are extremely picky and particular about how they want work done. They might seem like assholes, but they’re really just preparing you for the job world… which really is full of assholes who are picky and particular about everything. Now and then, there will be a horror story of a professor who just seems to hate your guts and there is nothing you can do right. Before picking your classes, research the teachers as best you can. Ask around, check on ratemyprofessors.com, and try your best to avoid a dangerous person… a brilliant mind with a damaged ego. Nothing ever ends well around a person like that because their motives are skewed.

Schools aren’t just places to learn; they are also set up to be molds for personalities and values. There is a certain style and standard being taught around the material. If you apply for a job and the interviewer went to the same school you did, you’ll have an enormous advantage over other candidates, because they’ll know exactly what to expect from you. USC graduates especially stick together.

How to Survive Class

College classes are incredibly systematic. Lecture notes rarely change from term to term. Often, they can even be found online these days. Taking good notes is the most important thing to having success in a class. You can’t re-read hundreds of pages before midterms and finals. You just need to cut out the filler and remember the facts. If you can find someone who took the class before you and borrow their notes and tests, your life will be a lot easier. But don’t plagiarize essays and reports. That could get you expelled from school. It’s not a costly mistake; it’s a deadly mistake.

Establish good rapport with your professors. Ask them questions during and after class to show that you care (but don’t use up too much of their time). Now and then you’ll run into a huge jerk with a giant ego, who trashes everyone else’s work. Their standards are ridiculously high. Don’t take it personally, and don’t challenge them. Do your best, and if it’s not getting a passing grade, go up after class and ask them to tell you exactly what you need to do to be better. They probably won’t pull any punches. The harsh truth can be hard to hear, but it’s important in order to grow. If they’re completely insane, don’t waste your time… Cut your losses and take another professor next semester. Yes, sometimes people don’t graduate in only four years because life doesn’t go perfectly. That’s just reality. Don’t stress out over it; just accept it. It’s good practice for the career world… where just about nothing ever gets done on time (without insane stress or long overtime hours).

Tips on Making the Most Out of Your College Experience

Live on campus – As mentioned above, living on your own is an important part of the process of growing up. It might be cheaper and easier to live at home for as long as you can, but you lose a lot of experience and forced growth by being taken care of. You need to learn why it’s important to have clean dishes. You need to learn why it’s important to empty the trash can on a regular basis. You need to learn how to take care of a place yourself. It teaches you many other skills, such as how to shop smarter, clean better, take care of the things you own so they last longer, and become a better person to be around.

Networking – The old saying goes, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know,” which is probably the truest maxim that hasn’t become obsolete.

As a general rule, the more people like you, the less you will struggle in life. There will always be opportunities and hands outstretched to help for those who connect and maintain good connections with people. There is always a system of give-and-take in any kind of relationship… Sometimes you won’t really “need” a person until many years down the road. Keep in occasional contact with every friend you make. Never delete anyone’s number or Facebook because of infrequent contact. You might need their advice or help some day. You never know how glad they might be to hear from you after a long time, too (this is why old people send out Christmas cards). Maintaining a strong network is crucial for survival and always being able to find work. This is as important as your degree itself.

Stay single – As also mentioned before, if you’re not in a serious relationship already, don’t rob yourself of the learning experience. If you already have a committed partner that you’re really sure is going to last, consider yourself lucky. Appreciate them for all they are and never take them for granted. For the rest of us, we have to refine ourselves to consistently be more and more attractive so when we do meet someone we want, the chances of them wanting us back will be optimal.

Don’t fail – Only 15% of Americans end up with an undergraduate degree, according to the latest census statistics. With education requirements increasing for almost any decent job, the demand for people who finish college is very high.

Picking a Trade Without a Degree

If you just don’t want to deal with college, you’re going to have to become an expert at something that is high-paying because of the nature of the work. Most of these jobs still require some sort of certification or specialized training, but will let you skimp on taking calculus and other classes you’ll never care about. Some of these well-paying trades include real-estate, working on oil rigs, plumbing, specialized mechanic (car, airplane, train, etc.), specialized computer repairman (IBM mainframes, Oracle databases, telephone/cable network infrastructure), electricians, and police officers. Some positions are union operated and you’ll be put on a long waiting list before you can be trained. Other jobs (like real-estate) are highly competitive and your social networking skills will determine your real success. There are two paths to pick from when choosing a trade: Something that will make you happy and something that will pay the bills. The lifestyle you want to have outside of work should determine which you choose. If you’re happy at work, you can spend a lot of time there, and will need less money in your personal life to be satisfied. If you despise going to work and need to go out of town every weekend and fill your life with distractions, what you’re killing your soul for better be something that pays for its medication.

How to Get a Job

Guess what? Your GPA doesn’t matter. AT ALL! They don’t care. All they care about is if you can do the job and how quickly can you learn how to do it their way. That takes precedence over everything. Every job listing tells of requirements for applicants in the way of experience and education, but these are really just preferences. Your degree is important, but not as important as relevant work experience. Your degree will get you better pay, but will not land you the job on its own. You need to know what you’re doing. At the very least, have some kind of internship to show for yourself.

The best way to land a job is to already know someone who works at the company, to which you’re applying. Having someone to personally vouch for you is taken far more seriously than any interview, resume, or degree. If you really know what you want to do, research top companies in the industry and pay them visits. Get to know the people who work there and tell them who you are and what you like about their company. Make your name and face known to them so when you apply, you’re already one step ahead of the competition. Your professors can go a long way toward helping you land a good job too. They know many people in positions of authority and influence. Having good relationships with most of your professors (some you won’t be able to stand; some won’t be able to stand you) is the best thing you can ever do for yourself in college.

When you go into a job interview, wear a suit. You should research the company beforehand. You should memorize who founded the company and when. Know who is running the company now. Be knowledgeable about any products they make or sell. Have several copies of your resume on hand (at least five). Smile, make eye contact as you speak and listen to others speak. Always be positive. Stress the importance of happy customers and the importance of teamwork with co-workers. You will be asked pointed questions to reveal flaws in your judgment, such as “Tell us a story about a time you had a bad day at work,” or “Tell us about a time you had to overcome adversity.” These questions are asked to determine how easily shaken you are and how you react when you are emotional or under pressure. Even if the job you’re applying for is very laid back, they may ask these kinds of questions anyway. Most importantly, be confident in yourself. Talk as if there is no question in your mind that you deserve the job over everyone else. They may even ask you why you think you’re the best candidate. Share how this has always been your passion and how if you were financially set, you would do this job for free. Do not ask about pay during the interview. If you are offered the job later, then is the time to discuss your rate of pay. If you’re in a group interview, do not interrupt anyone else, or attempt to make any of the other candidates look bad. It’ll make you look like you cause drama, no matter how justified it might seem at the time.

Entry-level work is a slow death to your soul. If you aren’t particularly good at anything, just pick something and learn it well enough to tutor or teach it. Food service jobs are high-stress sometimes, but they’re popular for a reason: tips pay enough. Most other jobs won’t pay as well or be as flexible with your schedule. Avoid working grocery stores or department stores. Do not work fast food unless you are completely desperate. Don’t bother putting it on any future résumés. While it is work experience, it will be seen by any serious employer as you were not good enough at one time to do something a little more prestigious. That could be held against you.

Legal Obligations

This is not really a free country, not when all males 18-25 must register for the draft. Of course, the draft hasn’t been used in a long time, but it is still mandatory to sign up. A draft for what? The military! Yes, if some politician decides, you may be forced into military service. If you refuse, you may go to jail. Such is the law setup in this “Land of the Free.”

You also have to start paying income taxes now. The government will keep anywhere from 27%-33% of all your income… and give you back virtually nothing in terms of social programs, unlike Canada, Sweden, and many other countries who use these high tax rates to provide free health care and education (including college) to all their citizens. Add on state tax, sales tax, etc., and probably over 40% of your money is going to the government in taxes. Isn’t it amazing people still have any spending money at all?

The older generations expect you to vote, but since the corporate lobbyists’ Electoral College is really the group whose vote decides the presidency (not the popular vote), most people are now too apathetic to participate. The President’s power on its own is very limited without the approval of the Congress, Senate, House of Representatives, and the corporate sponsors that pay for all the politicians’ campaign funds.

You also might run into jury duty from time to time. Most people hate this and will do whatever they can to avoid participating. It is a paid gig, however, not a great one, but they do pay you something for your time.

You can’t ignore letters from the government. They will hunt you down, find you, and fine you for being late on whatever they wanted. Everything left without closure will have interest and penalties added onto it. This includes tickets, citations, owing taxes, car registration, etc. Don’t fuck with them because they are experts in fucking with you. Unless of course you’re going to start a revolution (plan well, friends).

Legal Issues Everyone Runs Into

Eventually you’ll do something stupid while driving and a cop will catch you (or just decide to fuck with you for no reason). Save your copy of the ticket, appear at the courthouse on the date and time listed. If you don’t, you will be marked as failing to appear and a warrant will be issued for your arrest after a certain amount of time. If you intend to plead not guilty at your arraignment (first court session) you will be required to pay the total amount of the ticket (plus a court fee). If you win your case, it will be refunded to you. If you cannot pay the amount, you can ask the judge to grant you an extension. If you intend to plead guilty, but do not have the money to pay, show up at court anyway. You can either get an extension up to 60 days for a small extra fee, or you can opt to do community service (usually picking up trash on the side of the road, but some towns offer alternatives).

If you drive drunk, eventually you will get pulled over, even if you’re really good at it. The consequences are different in every state, but very severe. Loss of license for at least a year, fines over a thousand dollars, and even rehab are common sentences people face. If you’re caught, it might be worth considering a lawyer.

Role of a Citizen

It is your job as a citizen to be informed of what’s going on around you. A passive observer should be gathering information with the goal in mind of trying to decide what action to eventually take. It is a means to an end, not an end itself. We are where we are today because the only people still participating in politics are the rich, corrupt, and the deceived. You need to study your history to learn what governments do to control their people, to prevent uprisings, and what cover-ups have taken place, and why. Study US history, world history, anything you can get your hands on. You must realize the bigger picture going on around you.

There can be an internal revolution, where people ignore the law, take all matters into their own hands, and live happily… until the law decides to fight back. You must then be prepared to run or defend yourself. As of the time this book is written, it’s all a bad idea. We’ve been divided as a nation, so we can be easily conquered if we get out of line.

Finally, get off your ass and make a contribution to society. Even if all you can think to do is pay it forward at the drive-thru (pay for the person’s food behind you; yes, some people do this randomly), you’re contributing to an overall more-caring place. Everyone nowadays has to act tough, as if not caring about anything means you’re tough and badass. Wrong. People stop caring because they feel weak, helpless, and not in control. Not caring anymore is the easy, pussy way out. It’s not tough. Tough is fighting through your disappointments, betrayals, and still caring anyway because you know it’s needed. Tough is standing up for what you believe is right when no one else will. Being badass is taking on the world alone and saying, “You can’t make me someone else, no matter what.” American citizens are tough and don’t take shit from anyone. Be an American.

Bonus Level !!

So what mistakes do you think you want to make? Which would you be better off avoiding altogether? If you’re not sure, think back to when you were ten years old… If the situation you wonder about now was explained to you back then, what would your reaction be?

What freedoms do Americans have that other civilized countries do not? Is there anything left that sets us apart (in a good way) anymore?

In this “instant gratification” mindset, can you even imagine making a long-term plan? Can you live for the moment forever? What if that stops working?

What is the “cruel world” referred to in cliché suicide notes? Is it the actual entire world, or local society, or the country, or humanity itself, or the dark world within one’s own mind, or something else entirely?

What are the results of the worst mistake you’ve made to date? What other outcomes were possible? Why did the actual outcome prevail over the others?

This chapter makes suggestions that may seem to contradict the sage advice theme featured in the rest of the book. What do you think the purpose of this is? Is it a deviant or strange twist with no real meaning, an evil plot disguised by other sensible advice, or a grouping of suggestions designed to make you tougher?