(How to Annotate This Text)

Now you’re in your mid-20s… College is over, you’ve had a relationship last for awhile, and you’re working full-time. You pay your own bills and bear full responsibility for your choices. You have to work to survive and there are no more handouts for anything. You thought life was confusing before. Now it’s on turbo mode. A lot of people cope with this increased intensity by finding a partner with whom to share the expenses and responsibilities. In younger days, roommates were fine, but now that the stakes are higher and your belongings are nicer; you don’t want people who aren’t trustworthy around your stuff. At this point in life, most people are also fed up with having neighbors in such close proximity, and begin looking into buying a house. Taking care of an entire house is a lot of work for just one person (even if it’s just one person making the mess). For all of human existence, we’ve found the best solution to be picking a life partner to help us out.


How to know when you're ready for it - So you want someone to cook, clean, and do your laundry? You want someone to pay your bills and father your babies? Do you know what you want? Do you know what is wanted of you? Getting married is an old tradition to create alliances between villages in order to promote peace. The practice of marriage is continued today by people in hopes of a consistent source of sex, emotional support, and financial savings. Then again, some people also do it just out of competitive spite with a sibling or friend, and the whole thing is meaningless. Actually, there are tons of bullshit reasons people get married. Sometimes it’s simply because the girl got knocked up and the guy wanted to “do the right thing.” But is what they’re getting into really what they truly want?

You can date a person for several years, but the expectations change when you get married. Dating is an audition to win a person’s love and commitment. Too often, the effort stops when the person feels the prize has been won and there’s no need to continue doing nice things. This is the largest reason people fall out of love after being married awhile. The spark is gone because the effort to make the spark is gone. The relationship before the marriage should evolve to the point where it feels like marriage is only a title that remains outstanding. However, it is so much more than just a title. For instance, the two families combining will want to be involved in some way. It is important for them to get along. Before marriage, it is common for boyfriend or girlfriend to separate during the holidays to see their respective families. Once marriage has taken place, it is expected that the couple will always travel together during the holidays.

Most importantly, in a marriage, one must be ready to give up his or her individuality for the greater good of the partnership. So accomplish all the personal goals you have while you’re still single, because you may have to give up some of your habits when you settle down with someone else. Of course, if your partner wants you to give up something that is important to you, is this the right partner? How can you tell who is a good partner? It takes more than compatible personalities and common interests to keep a marriage healthy.

After talking with many people, these are the recommendations…

Live together for a while. You never truly know a person until you live with them. All you know of them up until this point is how they act when they are prepared to go out with you. You don’t know what they’re like by themselves or what they’re like when they aren’t trying to impress you in some way (even in a small way, like trying to hold in their farts. Once you live together awhile, that’ll change). This is a marriage test-drive. To see if you really won’t get sick of being around the person, with them being up in your shit constantly, you’ll want to verify your standard of living is compatible with your partner’s (hygiene, cleanliness expectations, etc.). If it’s not, then you have to weigh if it’s worthwhile to pick up the slack (or make a change to a better standard, you slob!) in order to save all the hard work you put into getting to this point in your relationship.

Ready to accept the other’s family members. Yeah, her mom is a monumental dipshit, and his dad stares at you either perversely or haphazardly, you can’t tell which. His aunt/uncle might be an accepted transvestite who is treated like anyone else in the family. Her overprotective brother is getting out of prison soon. Are you ready to establish relationships with this assortment of characters? You don’t have to really love them, but you have to at least be respectful of them as people and of their family traditions at the functions you’ll be expected to attend. Are you ready to make small-talk with “Uncle Jess(ica)” and listen to how she’s doing at welding school?

Proper motives for marriage. This is the real shit-kicker that is responsible for plenty of divorces. It was never the right idea to begin with. If you’re getting married for your own gain, of pretty much anything, it’s an act of selfish intention and not the partnership that marriage is intended to be. If you suspect your partner has any of these reasons influencing his or her desire to marry you, be sure to include a pre-nuptial agreement because it’s not likely going to be fulfilling enough to last: money, security, a place to live, social status, citizenship, keeping up with other people who are getting married, hitting an age where he or she thinks they just should be married, pressure from family to get married… and this one happens so much it deserves it’s own sentence: Having a kid together is not a good reason to get married! Kids are better off with visitation from the get-go than seeing their parents fight and eventually having to deal with moving out, changing schools, and all that other shit that comes with divorce. Then they’ll have to go through it anyway, plus the feeling of betrayal.

So what are proper motives for marriage, then? This is an establishment of a lifetime partnership. If you love the idea of seeing his face every day for the rest of your life, get married. If you want to share every memory, amount of fortune you earn, and every meal you make from this point forward with her, get married. If you’re willing to tolerate the shit you don’t really like about him for the rest of your life, get married. If “Because it makes her happy” is a good enough reason to do almost anything, get married. Chris Rock put it well when he said, “You gotta love the crust of a motherfucker” (I think he was speaking about bread crusts, but eye crust, toe crust, and all that other stuff applies too). If you’re willing to be there through sadness, as family members die over time, as jobs are lost, as bodies get out of shape… if love will continue, even as personal growth will likely stagnate at some point, get married. If living the rest of your life without this person seasoning everything you do seems a worse option than death, get married. If you are unbelievably fortunate enough to feel this way about someone who also feels this way about you, don’t take it for granted, ever. If you meet this checklist option, and few or none of the others… do whatever it takes, compromise wherever you have to, to get to the point where you both are fully ready to do this thing right. Ultimately, love can prevail, but not being completely ready will make things excruciatingly hard sometimes (especially if finances aren’t adding up and kids are added too soon).

Oops, almost forgot. What about when the physical attraction dies? Not everyone is going to be cute forever. Not everyone is going to be cute at 35. You aren’t getting married for the person’s very temporary looks, are you? Or maybe she’s still good looking but you’re so used to her now that you aren’t attracted anymore. Will you still love him when his hair isn’t spiked, or when she lets her tongue piercing close up? What do you put more value in, how people treat you when they see what kind of body is holding your hand, or what kind of character and desires the person inside that body has to influence the rest of your existence?

Ready to adapt a changing role. The part people play as a boyfriend or girlfriend is essentially an audition for the part of a spouse or life partner. When the actual part is handed to you, your lines are going to be a little different, at least in terms of there now being more of them. For example, a boyfriend might’ve paid for all the dates… if this was the case, as a husband, he will likely be expected to make her phone and car payments as well. There will be more about the differences in roles in the next chapter. But be prepared to change just a little bit and see your partner change just a little bit as well. Many people in happy relationships who don’t want anything to change… simply don’t want to get married. The biggest issue with this change in role is the comfort level that so many people get. Somewhere in their mind it says, “I won this person, now I no longer have to take care of myself or do anything to impress them or earn their love.” This entices people to get out of shape, they go hang out with their friends more, stop bringing home thoughtful gifts, less random affection, etc. A person marries someone with the idea that the special things their spouse did to make them happy will continue. If that special treatment ceases, so will the happiness.

Compatible personalities. Do you go out and do things, or do you actually have conversations? Are you interested in what the other person has to say or do you just politely pretend to listen until they shut up and you can stop pretending you’re not paying full attention to what’s on TV? Sharing memories is a big part of the lifetime commitment. If you don’t care at all for what the other person brings to the table in this department, you should be pretty up-front about this relationship not being an everlasting thing. Maybe it’ll be a wake-up call for your partner to either be more interesting, or it’ll be time to move on. Temporary relationships have plenty of important purposes, but don’t force them to outlive their time. When you’re with someone you don’t want to marry, and marriage keeps being brought up, you need to let the person know how you honestly feel and offer the option to leave peacefully (other options of course include change, compromise, patience, or being happy with what you have right now, etc.).

Conflict resolution through compromise. When you both want something different, what ends up happening? Usually one person will end up giving in to make the other one happy. Is that going to work forever? You could trade off every other time, who gives in… or there could be other alternatives explored that would be acceptable to both people, even if it’s not really what either really wants. You’d better have an established system of compromise, before you get married. There are a lot of choices that have to be made, and if it’s only one person getting his or her own way all the time, how exactly is that a partnership? If this is still an issue in your relationship, marriage shouldn’t even be a topic of conversation.

Agreement on life goals. So, where are you going to live? Are you having kids and how many do you want? Who is going to work? When will you retire? What are some things in life you want to experience? The answers to these questions can change depending on the time frame you put them in. They should be considered in blocks of time, from present-day to five/ten/fifteen years from now, and so on. It’s not recommended that you just wing it and see what happens with no ideas in mind whatsoever, but it’s possible with good conflict resolution. You can overcome anything if you keep proper perspective. Even if you can’t come to firm conclusions on some issues, it is important to at least discuss them with your partner. Two things you should firmly agree upon however, are the topics of kids (how many/how to raise them/when) and what is an acceptable level of income. Statistics also highly recommend taking the same sides on politics and religion also, but there are successful exceptions.

Financially ready to start your own household. No amount of love is going to make up for renting a fold-out couch in someone else’s garage. Even living with parents is rough (you might not mind it, but your spouse and or parents will). Ideally you should be able to afford at least an apartment of your own when you get married. You don’t want to have to live by anyone else’s house rules.

The current relationship is healthy and both people are happy. If shit sucks now, it’s not going to magically fix itself because now it’s supposed to last forever. If anything, it’ll be even harder to fix anything now that you’ve made a commitment and signed a legal contract with the problems still there. Some people think if they spend enough time, energy, and money on a person that they earn the right to be married to their partner at a certain point. But you can’t buy someone’s love and dedication. It has to be given away freely. If this is news to you, again, marriage should not even be a topic of conversation.

Mutual understanding of what marriage means. Well, you can make anything up to mean anything you want these days… As long as the description of the word is clear, it’s supposed to be fine (that’s not always the case, but that’s the theory). For example, if two friends want to get married for tax benefits, while they live in different rooms and fuck other people, it’s within their right to do so. So talk to your partner and be clear what marriage means to you. Be honest if you’d ever consider divorce and under what circumstances. Be honest if you don’t think you’re ready for it. Be honest with what you expect of your partner when they become your spouse. Most importantly, be open to what is expected of you. Your self is really the only thing you can control, even in a marriage. Hopefully, if you do it right, it will set the tone for a very fulfilling life.

You Must Be Self-Aware. You need to at least know yourself, what your strengths and weaknesses are, and be willing to work on yourself. If you don’t at least like yourself, how can you or expect the closest person to you to like you? You must have dealt with other issues and traumas in your life so they don’t resurface and get inadvertently taken out on your partner. You need to be willing to be open and vulnerable, and trust in your partner. Previous insecurities can make you unfairly wary or closed off to people you have no reason not to be comfortable around. Plus, most of our betrayals and reasons for distrusting others happened when we were younger, much more naïve and vulnerable than we are now… and you shouldn’t make rules for your entire life based on what one immature piece of shit did (or a few for that matter). They speak for a large demographic of humanity, but not all of it. There are good, wholesome people out there. They’re usually quiet or in hiding so douchebags don’t stop to notice them.

Constant Evolution. In order to keep from getting bored with one another, it is imperative that both people in the relationship continue to refine themselves and experience new things. As awesome as Family Guy is, it would quickly grow tiresome if all you had to watch was Season One over and over, for the rest of your life. You need to always be learning and growing as a person, to ensure you don’t become tiresome and boring to listen to when you talk. What you saw on TV does not count. Your significant other can listen to pointless banter from their barber or co-workers. There is never a point where it is ok to stop contributing. A relationship is an always ongoing process. That said, people who are always changing and experiencing new things run the risk of growing apart. There must be a true commitment and bond to keep a marriage in place during these times. A divergence in one’s path may not always last, so don’t sign off on your partner too quickly. A friendship is the true underlying foundation of a marriage anyway and should continue no matter what one’s current interests are. If you are currently unhappy with what your life partner has become, remember that just as she changed from who she once was, she will change from who she is now. Of course, if the current manifestation is now abusive and cruel, get out right away.

You Don't Necessarily Marry the Kind of People You Date

When you look for a life partner, what you think about long-term goals is often very different than what you want in a temporary companion. When looking for a person to date, you want someone who is attractive, is good at sex, and doesn’t drag you down. This person’s role right now is as an accessory to your life. When they stop being a pleasant addition, you simply move on. However, you can only move on as easily as you yourself are a pleasant addition, fulfilling a similar role in the other person’s life. When the looks start to fade, everyone hurries to settle down and find someone they can tolerate for awhile, so they just simply aren’t alone. This is a very retarded system of living.

What should happen, is dating should be a consistent search for someone who has long-term goals in common with you, who is compatible with your personality, and can function in the current role as an addition to your life, but also has the potential to make the cross-over to sharing your life later when you’re married. This requires you to get to know the person very well so you can do your best to predict how he or she will fill roles they haven’t taken on yet. A good idea is to just ask outright. For example, “What is your idea of a good husband?” Both people should answer the question and see if the ideas are shared, and if not, is the other person’s idea acceptable. If it isn’t, it’s time to keep looking. No harm in maintaining the current relationship awhile, as long as both people know where it stands. Enjoy the short-term too, but not at the expense of everything else.

Suggestions to Keep Your Marriage Healthy

Always put the other person first: If your priority is always making sure your partner is taken care of, it’s a win/win situation. Of course, your partner must do the same for you.

Spend time alone together: You have to get away from work, the kids, the pets, and all other responsibilities that take up your time. Even if it’s just something small like taking a walk together every day, it counts.

Be affectionate: Even if you’re totally secure that your partner loves you and always will, touch feels good in ways words can’t. Something simple like a kiss when your spouse comes home or holding hands once in awhile really helps people stay connected.

Common interests: Have something you both like to do together. When the kids grow up and move out, there has to be something remaining to live together for, and some unfinished goals to accomplish.

Communication: Share your thoughts and feelings. Your partner can’t try to make you happy if he or she isn’t made aware of what’s on your mind. Just remember that when you’re unhappy, talk calmly and honestly with your words. Or do a barrel roll, whatever.

Don’t try to change your partner. You fell in love with him for who he is, so why try to change them? Let him be himself. When she wants to go off with friends or by herself, let her do her own thing so she don’t resent you. Of course, certain bad habits or addictions should definitely be made a big deal of. If leaving the cap off the toothpaste isn’t a big deal to you, but it drives your partner crazy, is it really so much of an inconvenience to try to remember?

So You Want to Breed?

Let’s get right down to the point and define children. The term child is not a synonym for “slave”, “blank slate”, “clone”, or any of the other misconceptions parents commonly curse their offspring with. A child is a person, with his or her own will, wants, and feelings. A child is small, basically defenseless, and completely useless until taught otherwise.

The role of a parent is to educate, expose, and provide for children until they are able to care for their own selves. Life was a lot simpler once upon a time. When kids turned 18, they were whisked out of the house. Finding a job and a place to live were pretty easy. The essentials and basic necessities for survival were affordable. Note that the previous sentences were written in past tense, as none of it is any longer applicable. The way society is structured today, children cannot move out at 18 and survive without enormous strength, hard work, and a little luck. Rent, utilities, car payments, insurance, and food prices are all ridiculous as every industry tries to get a larger piece of the pie nowadays. Water used to be free, remember? Now we sometimes pay $2 for 20oz of the stuff. High school educations are so poor; most employers will not even consider an applicant who hasn’t at least had some college or specialized education under their belt. To have children now means to realistically support them financially until they are in their mid-20s, maybe longer. If you have kids now, who knows what will the expected time length for support be by the time they’re grown up?

There is a lot of evil in the world that parents want to shield their children from. The most common, and least effective method, is complete denial. This is known as sheltering. Sheltering kids as they grow up and not exposing them to the ways of the world will make their inevitable encounters all the more painful. They will be helpless to spot sketchy situations, dangerous people, and even more helpless to defend themselves when it’s too late. Don’t think or pray that your kids (you can still hope) will never have anyone attempt to beat them, rob them, rape them, take advantage of their kindness, lie to them, abuse them, and perhaps even kill them. Hopefully none of these things will ever happen, but the likelihood is that at least a couple will, at some point in time. Most people are decent enough, but there are enough sick fucks out there that they’re bound to run across one or two in their lives that wish to inflict lasting damage.

Instead of sheltering your kids, tell them what is out there and how to avoid certain situations. Involve them in serious self-defense classes, and teach them how to use weapons. This country allows us to carry them for a good reason. Hopefully they’ll never have to be used, but calling the police will not save anyone during a home invasion, street robbery, or a drunk trying to take things too far at a party. Too often, children are taught or even forced to be passive observers in their environment. People are supposed to stand up for what they believe is right, and have the ability to do so forcefully if need be. An attitude of being a victim will only attract more bullying. Kids need to be able to fight back if being assaulted in school. If they can’t, then you need to do it for them. This is not radical. This is sensible. It used to be common to want to defend your family’s safety, but several generations of passive observers have given way to statements of, “turn the other cheek”, “just walk away”, and “sticks and stones…” Conflict is the result of multiple ideas and that is a given in a free world. Be ready or be rolled.

Children are expected to look up to and respect their elders. Why, because they don’t know as much? Respect is to be earned, not given away. You should be the type of person worthy of your children respecting and looking up to. This means treating others with respect (when deserved), and treating your children with respect (unconditionally). Telling them to shut up when they question you, or responding to their questions with “because” or “I said so” is the easiest way to lose their respect and trust.

Raising your kids exactly like your parents raised you is another common folly. If you haven’t learned anything about how life has evolved and progressed in the (hopefully) twenty or so years between you and your children, your kids are probably in for a world of hurt. There is a wall between one generation’s ability to relate to another. The world in which your parents grew up with is completely obsolete, as are many of their traditional values, rites of passage, and rituals. Now, so is yours. Your kids will live in a new world that you will not be able to fully understand. Don’t disregard that. You will need to question your kids and listen to their responses about how the world works now as they figure it out first-hand.

The best way to treat your children is recognize your own responsibilities to them (challenge them intellectually, support them emotionally, and protect them physically in ways they would themselves if they were bigger). Teach them to make decisions on their own as early as possible. Annihilate those who threaten them while teaching them how to defend themselves. Getting in a little trouble is worth having your child believe in you. Because if you won’t protect them, who will? They’ll have to turn to gangs or bad boyfriends, or will over-compensate for their weakness with excessive violence.

Oh yeah, parenting is a tough job. There’s a lot more to it than fucking, some goop slopping together, and oops guess what. Also, know this… parenting is in large, a lose/lose situation. You give up your entire life to cater to the needs of some ignorant trolls, who rarely appreciate when you do the right thing and always remember when you don’t. You do it in the hopes they will return the favor when you’re old and crapping your pants. Just try your best. If anything, always tell your kids the truth, and never make promises you can’t keep. You can’t be a superhero, but you can be the one person they can trust to be nice when they’ve been hurt. It is a valiant role.

How to Know When You're Ready for Kids

You’re never ready for children. You might think you are, but until you’ve had one, you just don’t know. There will be so many sleepless nights, anxiety attacks when they get into the paint supplies, and endless footprints and spilled drinks to clean up. You think you hate laundry now; just wait until you have children. But, you think you want to have some anyway, so fine… here’s some suggestions.

Be financially ready to take care of a child: Using the child-care calculator at babycenter.com, the average cost of raising a middle-class child is over $350,000 before he or she is able to truly be independent. The calculator uses a default age range of 0-18, but as we discussed earlier, 18 is no longer a realistic age to cut the cord.

Be a respectable person: If you’re still into drinking to the point of puking, partying any chance you get, or have some major personal issue that will get in the way of a taxing role of self-sacrifice and servitude, don’t have kids yet.
Be in a good place: So you’re a good parent, but what is outside the home? A shady neighborhood might not threaten you, but it’ll cause a lot of extra anxiety having to worry about who your kids are playing with down the street. Kids need to be allowed to roam around, be left alone for awhile, and just spend time with other children without any supervision whatsoever. That’s called living. It’s best done in a place where they aren’t going to be pressured to steal, smoke, and fuck. You don’t need to live in a two-story house and make a lot of money. There are plenty of nice apartments in other towns or out in the country for reasonable prices.

Tips for Nurturing a Child

It’s a lost art, but check this out… you need to actually spend quality time with them! Sitting them in front of a TV or leaving them at daycare isn’t going to do shit for their personal development. You actually have to hold them, talk to them, and make them spend their time learning and thinking about things, as opposed to stupid mascots singing songs about crap. When you’re not interacting with them, sit them in front of a window or let them play alone in the backyard and daydream. Daydreaming and imagination are what make youth precious. Giving your children possibilities instead of finalities will result in more positive thinking.

Challenge their minds as much as possible. Teach them to read before they are two years old. They’re capable of soaking up whatever you put in front of them, if you let them absorb it long enough. Expose them to as many different things in the world as you can. Take them to museums and concerts in the park. Go camping, hiking, and teach them how to swim. Encourage creativity in a variety of outlets until they are able to pick one they like best. Offer them choices and let them make their own final decisions. Let them face the consequences of their decisions too (up to a certain point, of course). The best way to solve problems and come up with new ideas is to ask questions. You should be asking your children questions to spark their imaginations, and direct their thought processes onto things worth considering. Their answers may amuse you and then you can suggest and discuss the real answers to some of the questions you pose to them. The thing people find most interesting about children is their clarity. The equation of life is so much simpler to them. They may take note of something you’ve become used to and now overlook. Cater to your children’s strengths and preferences. Remember there are multiple intelligences and outlets for it. Not every kid will be good at math, but some may be better at art. Don’t compare your kids to one another. They’re going to excel in different areas and that’s okay. Don’t spoil your children. Make them work for everything they get. Teach them cleanliness and responsibility from an extremely young age. By three or four, they will already be used to having everything given to them for nothing. Make sure they know they have to be helpful, even if they’re only physically able to be standing/sitting next to you while you do laundry or cook.

Working Yourself to Death (or Retirement, Maybe)

The reality is that the workplace is where dreams go to die. Other than war-stricken areas, this is the place we can most evidently see how little humanity has changed over the past several hundred years. There are a few laws now that prevent whippings and force your employers to pay you a little bit. But the mindset of most major companies is still the same… greed. Greed and a very competitive global economy now mean pinching pennies like—oh wait, like always. Many companies pretend to care about the well-being of their workers by posting safety signs all over the place (but it’s really just to prevent a lawsuit by a bumbling idiot they shouldn’t have hired in the first place) and promoting an attitude of teamwork. But when sales goals aren’t met, hours are cut, people are laid off, and it’s supposed to be perfectly understandable that your teammates up in the corporate office are doing well and collecting bonuses while making many employees struggle even more to pay their bills. To escape the worst aspects of this environment should be a motivator for you to finish your college degree. Here are some more facts to consider…

You can be fired for no reason: If you’re not liked for whatever reason, or they want to give your job to someone the boss likes better, they will find a way to get rid of you. If you’re careful not to get written up, they will patiently wait until you do something wrong and they will quickly pull the trigger and terminate you. In some cases, you can take your employer to court over this. Just be aware this is out there and it’s common. If it doesn’t happen to you, you will witness it happen to someone else. The slackers who deserve to get fired rarely are the ones who actually do. It’s easier to fire the one person that makes everyone else look like slackers than it is to fire and hire a whole new workforce.

Not everyone is competent at their job: Most people are hired because they know somebody who already works at the company. That internal circle of trust speaks louder than any resume, as we talked about before. Some people are poorly trained; others don’t give a shit. Some people are just plain lazy. There is a flow that takes place in every company, which becomes the expected allotment of time to do any given task, as well as a certain quality of that task. It becomes the standard. If you just do the standard work, even if it’s far less than your ability, you will be just fine because you blend in with everyone else. If you do less, you look bad. But if you go too far beyond the standard, you start to make others look bad, and while it would seem like you’re doing a good job, all that’s really happening is other people begin to despise you.

The personality of an owner: Owners are constantly stressed out and care only about their money. They usually don’t know enough about any one aspect of the job to do it themselves (small businesses that specialize in something are usually exceptions). They view their employees as just another tax on their wealth. Having lots of money makes people feel powerful and above reproach. They want to be treated like slave masters and told how important they are. They really find it insulting if you talk to them like you’re an equal person. The fact of the matter is, the position of an owner is useless. To give themselves relevance, owners get in the middle of everyone else’s job and start making changes (good or bad) in order to justify themselves. If their change went well, it was a good idea. If it didn’t go well, they will attribute it to poor execution and put the blame on someone else. Owners are not introspective people. They’re too busy worrying all the time. Don’t waste your time trying to understand people who are at the very top of the food chain. Their pressures are different. Either everything they have in life is on the line, or they’re so wealthy that no matter what goes wrong, they’ll be fine. More often than not, it’s the first kind of pressure that owners are under.

When rules matter (only when something goes wrong): Every half-established company will operate under certain guidelines, or a philosophy, and have set rules of conduct and ways of doing things. The reality is you’re expected to have your tasks done by whatever deadline is set, even if it’s not realistic. To recover lost time, or time you never even had, sometimes you have to skip steps, bend rules, and even break laws. This is what is expected of you. As long as you meet the deadline and the company’s customers are happy, everything is ok. Keep to yourself how you managed to pull off your little miracle. Never admit to doing things any way that’s not by the handbook unless your supervisor is doing it that way too and knows that you know. But when the real bosses are around, always do things exactly as procedure says. They live in an ideal world, not a practical one. In an ideal world, if everyone follows the rules, nothing will ever go wrong. When something does go wrong, they begin looking for rules that were broken. If you’re the one who did something not in the rules and regulations, even if it’s truly not your fault for whatever happened, you will likely be the one to receive the blame and possible termination. There will be no further investigation once your actions have been discovered. Sometimes you’ll just be in a bad situation and you’ll have to choose between getting in trouble for not being done when they tell you they need something, or you’ll get in trouble for not doing it right because you were rushed. When this happens to you, you’ll suddenly understand why people “wasted their time” majoring in liberal arts or philosophy.

Favoritism and prejudice: You can try to go above and beyond the call of duty to earn a promotion (quietly; take the same amount of time as everyone else but do your job a little bit better). Hard work is never fully appreciated though. It’s all about favoritism in the corporate world. Pretty much every position is something anyone can be trained to do. Once you’ve already been hired, the experience and education that got you in the door become much less important than people skills and personality. Everyone in management is always out to make themselves look good, for more bonuses and better opportunities. They want to surround themselves by people who help their cause. If you’re going to make a name for yourself, you have to help someone else make their name and hope you picked someone with loyalty and character that will bring you up the ladder with them. Every now and then you’ll find people who are workaholic overachievers, but are completely unlikeable. They will never find a home with a company, and constantly move around. Even though they might be better at their jobs than most everyone else, the working world is based on competition as much as it is the bottom line. No one wants to see someone they dislike be successful. Oh, and don’t think for a second that discrimination isn’t still very alive in the workplace. Since we’re all supposed to have the same fake personalities and professional work-related interactions, different lifestyles and cultures should play no part in who to hire or how an employee is treated. That’s the theory, anyway. In reality, an atheist isn’t going to be treated the same in a company full of devout Baptists. The saga of equality and tolerance continues…

Stuff to Know About Renting/Buying a House

It’s highly regulated, taxed, and even more complicated. While the security of owning your own home is lovely, renting is so much easier. If you don’t mind the probability of being kicked out some day or paying increasing rent until the end of time, it can offset having to pay insurance, or risking defaulting on a bank loan, and it’s also nice to not have to be responsible for routine repairs. To each his own, but here’s some information to help you figure out what fits best for you.

The importance of credit - People misunderstand how important credit is. Being late on your payments is actually a big deal. It will cost you later in life… just when you need your credit the most: Buying a house. Even if you have just decent credit, you can be turned down for a loan. If you are still approved, the loan will be at a much higher percentage rate. Even though the differences are only a couple percentage points, it translates out to several thousand dollars more over the course of the loan. Your credit is checked every time you rent a car, buy a car, a major appliance, and nowadays, sometimes even when you apply for a job! It takes a long time to clean up past credit mistakes… several years. Your credit is essentially a worldwide documented level of trust. As it takes a long time for you to forgive and forget someone else who screwed you over, it is the same with your bills. If your credit is so bad that you can’t have a credit card at all, your life will be severely limited, especially if you want to travel anywhere. Most hotels require a credit card to check in (and hold a large temporary deposit; do not use a debit card for this!). Worst case scenario, you can get a secured credit card from your bank (requires you to front the entire credit limit up front, in cash).

Don’t fuck it up! Your credit score is seriously the most important grade of your life, yet the majority of Americans fail. The main reason is lack of self-control. The other major issue is, the game is rigged for failure. For example, if you go to mortgagecalculator.org, you can calculate the amount of interest that you will pay over the life of your home mortgage. A $250,000 mortgage at an interest rate of 6.5% over 30 years will end up paying over $300,000 just in interest. Nice racket huh? How do you get around it? Don’t buy what you can’t afford to pay off immediately. You need a credit card and other debt-based accounts (cell phone, utilities, etc.) in order to build credit and survive in this society. Be aware of the madness behind the convenience. Most credit cards charge interest in the teens and twenty percentiles, as opposed to the much lower mortgage rates. Just imagine how bad interest will kill you then. Do not live beyond your means, no matter what.

Deposits/Down Payments - If you are buying a house, you may have to put down at least 20%. If you can’t, on top of your mortgage, you have to pay a penalty on top of it (PMI penalty), regardless of your credit. Save up. If you are renting a place to stay, there is usually a deposit required to cover potential damages/failure to pay rent. Usually the deposit amount is the same as one month’s rent, but if you have great credit, it may be less. Once you move out, an inspection of the place will be completed and then your deposit will be mailed to you a few days later. If you move out in the middle of the month, you may be charged for the entire month unless otherwise arranged. Some places automatically will deduct an amount to repaint and maybe even re-carpet the place. Be clear about this issue with your landlord before signing a contract.
A landlord cannot kick you out of your residence, no matter what. He must go to the local sheriff first, and the sheriff must come serve you an eviction notice, which then gives you at least 30 days to move out. This applies even to leases where only a verbal agreement is in place. This is in cases of eviction without cause. However, if you are found to have violated the terms of the contract (failure to pay rent, people living there that aren’t on the lease, illegal activities, etc.), the landlord can file a court case, which if it rules in favor of the landlord, can serve you with an eviction notice requiring you to be out in as little as three days. It can get messy. If you, as the tenant, want to move out, you must also give written notice, at least 30 days in advance, or you may be charged additional rent.

Bonus Level !!

Why did marriage seem so much more successful a long time ago? Even though couples stayed together, was it only the taboo of divorce that made it so? Do you suppose married couples were really happier? Or were the times and people just more simple and easy to deal with?

What is your stance on getting married and having children and why? Have these stances changed over time, and if so, what triggered them? Analyze the validity of these triggers and if it is a good logical decision to listen to them.

How do you think you’ll do as a spouse or a parent? Write out what needs to be improved before you think you’ll have your most success in those roles. How do you intend to get to where you need to be?

How are you going to provide for yourself and make a living? What’s your great scheme? Can money buy you happiness, or at least something pretty close? Is it possible to balance your time between making money and spending money enjoying yourself? Do you view life as a race for survival or a chance to learn and explore?