殺退那怪獸 用死光劍 與巴斯星空對話
Saat tui na gwaai sau yung sei gwong gim yue ba si sing hung dui wa
眼見天真的你 多喜歡作反 就似當天的我
Ngaan gin tin jan dik nei doh hei foon jok faan jau chi dong tin dik ngoh
與你笑著看星雨 每一天也覺太短
Yue nei siu jeuk hon sing yue mooi yat tin ya gok taai duen
這刻的痛快 別太趕 變作歷史
Je hak dik tung faai bit taai gon bin jok lik si

也許一天 你會走遠 去體會世界 見證萬變
Ya hui yat tin nei wooi jau yuen hui tai wooi sai gaai gin jing maan bin
如果驚慌 重新找出發點
Yue gwoh ging fong chung san jaau chut faat dim

回憶講你知 講你知 想起經典的星戰
Wooi yik gong nei ji gong nei ji seung hei ging din dik sing jin
當初我可以 為世界一戰 並著起星際戰衣
Dong choh ngoh hoh yi wai sai gaai yat jin bing jeuk hei sing jai jin yi
明天不會知 不會知 留手機太空艙裡面
Ming tin bat wooi ji bat wooi ji lau sau gei taai hung chong lui min
願你可如同火箭 以後每天 為理想繼續作戰
Yuen nei hoh yue tung foh jin yi hau mooi tin wai lei seung gai juk jok jin

Repeat *

Repeat Chorus

情願不要知 不要知 星空中翻滾幾次
Ching yuen bat yiu ji bat yiu ji sing hung jung faan gwan gei chi
巴斯也可以 坐上那火箭 歷遍這星際探險
Ba si ya hoh yi joh seung na foh jin lik pin je sing jai taam him
前方總有一些對手 如擊倒你失足退後
Chin fong jung yau yat se dui sau yue gik do nei sat juk tui hau
若有天迷途失意 記住這天 有爸爸抱著作戰
Yeuk yau tin mai to sat yi gei jue je tin yau ba ba po jeuk jok jin

Julian Cheung (張智霖)

Julian Cheung Chi-lam (born 27 August 1971), better known by his stage name Chilam, is a Hong Kong singer and actor. Cheung is popularly known for his role as Guo Jing in the 1994 TV series adaptation of the Wuxia novel, The Legend of the Condor Heroes, and also as Chi-Kin from the TVB drama Cold Blood Warm Heart (1996).

Cheung hit instant fame in 1991 with the release of his first single, "A Modern Love Story" with Maple Hui and has since been the only artist that has sold the most copies for a debut album under IFPI. In 1992, Cheung received a TVB Jade Solid Gold award as Best Newcoming Singer (Bronze) for his first album. In 2000, Cheung reap 2 notable awards from TVB for the drama, Return of the Cuckoo.