愛上了 看見你 如何不懂謙卑
Oi seung liu hon gin nei yue hoh bat dung him bei
去講心中理想 不會俗氣
Hui gong sam jung lei seung bat wooi juk hei
猶如看得見晨曦 才能歡天喜地
Yau yue hon dak gin san hei choi nang foon tin hei dei

抱著你 我每次 回來多少驚喜
Po jeuk nei ngoh mooi chi wooi loi doh siu ging hei
也許一生太短 陪著你
Ya hui yat sang taai duen pooi jeuk nei
情感有若行李 仍然沉重待我整理
Ching gam yau yeuk hang lei ying yin cham chung doi ngoh jing lei

天氣不似如期 但要走 總要飛
Tin hei bat chi yue kei daan yiu jau jung yiu fei
道別不可再等你 不管有沒有機
Do bit bat hoh joi dang nei bat goon yau moot yau gei
給我體貼入微 但你手 如明日便要遠離
Kap ngoh tai tip yap mei daan nei sau yue ming yat bin yiu yuen lei
願你可以 留下共我曾愉快的憶記
Yuen nei hoh yi lau ha gung ngoh chang yue faai dik yik gei
當世事再沒完美 可遠在歲月如歌中找你
Dong sai si joi moot yuen mei hoh yuen joi sui yuet yue goh jung jaau nei

再見了 背向你 回頭多少傷悲
Joi gin liu booi heung nei wooi tau doh siu seung bei
也許不必再講 所有道理
Ya hui bat bit joi gong soh yau do lei
何時放鬆我自己 才能花天酒地
Hoh si fong sung ngoh ji gei choi nang fa tin jau dei

抱著你 我說過 如何一起高飛
Po jeuk nei ngoh suet gwoh yue hoh yat hei go fei
這天只想帶走 還是你
Je tin ji seung daai jau waan si nei
如重溫往日郵寄 但會否疲倦了嬉戲
Yue chung wan wong yat yau gei daan wooi fau pei guen liu hei hei

Repeat Chorus

Julian Cheung (張智霖)

Julian Cheung Chi-lam (born 27 August 1971), better known by his stage name Chilam, is a Hong Kong singer and actor. Cheung is popularly known for his role as Guo Jing in the 1994 TV series adaptation of the Wuxia novel, The Legend of the Condor Heroes, and also as Chi-Kin from the TVB drama Cold Blood Warm Heart (1996).

Cheung hit instant fame in 1991 with the release of his first single, "A Modern Love Story" with Maple Hui and has since been the only artist that has sold the most copies for a debut album under IFPI. In 1992, Cheung received a TVB Jade Solid Gold award as Best Newcoming Singer (Bronze) for his first album. In 2000, Cheung reap 2 notable awards from TVB for the drama, Return of the Cuckoo.