今天應該很快樂 望見歡呼的她很快樂
為我設宴慶功 舉杯祝酒 像我應該 要自豪
難得今次得到一個獎 換到成就嗎
講一輩子理想 還是找不到方向

幾多刻苦的鍛煉 為了告訴世界我可以
但見前途朦朧 疑慮太多 風中繼續轉
若所有蔑視我的眼鏡 未跌滿一地
得到這絕不罕有的冠冕 還未可以叫做得志

高呼我的名 叫我有快感
高呼我的名字 令我有身份
迷失當中送我離群 離開上萬個別人
做到轟轟烈烈 然後轉身
平生自信 全刻在我掌印

幾多刻苦的鍛煉 為了告訴世界我可以
但見前途朦朧 疑慮太多 風中繼續轉
若所有蔑視我的眼鏡 未跌滿一地
得到這絕不罕有的冠冕 還未可以叫做得志

高呼我的名 叫我有快感
高呼我的名字 令我有身份
迷失當中送我離群 離開上萬個別人
做到轟轟烈烈 然後轉身
平生自信 全刻在我掌印

若等到滿地玻璃碎片 為了我鋪路
得到這值得擁有的諷刺 贏盡所有卻極討厭

高呼我的名 叫我有決心
高呼我的名字 令我會犧牲
迷失當中對抗命運 贏輸也別要下沉
始終有種回報 讓我看得真
自我的肯定 讓存在有感

Pakho Chau 周柏豪

Pakho Chau was born November 12, 1984 in Hong Kong and is a Cantopop singer who debuted at Warner Music Hong Kong in 2007 with the EP Beginning.

Pakho always had an interest in music, learning to play the piano at age five as well as the guitar later on. He would then discover his talent in songwriting. Because of his unpaid training under Chan Kwong-Wing (陳光榮) as a sound technician, he learned how to produce songs, which would later help him produce his own.

Besides being a singer-songwriter, Pakho has also modeled, been a basketball player, had a job as a lifeguard, and a piano teacher and has also acted in many films and television shows since 2007 (his first role was as the Cantonese voice actor for the Gingerbread Man in the Shrek franchise).

From the albums