真的好想精於某事情 好想好好的打拚
可惜得到只有劣評 沒有半粒星
真的不想早給你定型 笑我那麼的拚命
高峰上不成 唯盼愛情順景
成就在平凡裡 那份溫馨
我試著生性 但求父母親高興
假如凡事都失敗 也許得愛戀先可以得勝
Do do lu do do lu do do lu
Do do do do do do you mean everything to me

I Say 終於找到些緊要事情 施展天生的本領
給鼓掌的都非這類型 按世界標準鑒定
為什麼 還提我 事情未完別坐定
我試著生性 但求父母親高興
假如凡事都失敗 也許得愛戀先可以得勝
Listen to my feelings as always listen to my feelings
I want to scream go for your dream Ah ha ah ha ah ha

飛不起個個也說我腳又未踏實地 愛上你不過為逃避
難成大器但我愛得起 Let’s do it
真的好想精於某事情 好想好好的打拚
可惜得到只有劣評 沒有半粒星
真的不想早給你定型 笑我那麼的拚命
幾年來毫無成績 地位未有躍升
高峰上不成 唯盼愛情順景
成就在平凡裡 那份溫馨
已試著生性 但求大眾都尊敬
竟然凡事都失敗 也許得愛戀先可以得勝

Pakho Chau 周柏豪

Pakho Chau was born November 12, 1984 in Hong Kong and is a Cantopop singer who debuted at Warner Music Hong Kong in 2007 with the EP Beginning.

Pakho always had an interest in music, learning to play the piano at age five as well as the guitar later on. He would then discover his talent in songwriting. Because of his unpaid training under Chan Kwong-Wing (陳光榮) as a sound technician, he learned how to produce songs, which would later help him produce his own.

Besides being a singer-songwriter, Pakho has also modeled, been a basketball player, had a job as a lifeguard, and a piano teacher and has also acted in many films and television shows since 2007 (his first role was as the Cantonese voice actor for the Gingerbread Man in the Shrek franchise).

From the albums